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Ⅰ ❶ (形状) form; shape: 不成 ~ shapeless; formless; 方 ~ square; 三角 ~ triangle; triangular shape; 外 ~ appearance; external [outer] form
❷ (形体) body; entity: 无 ~ intangible; 有 ~ tangible Ⅱ ❶ (显露; 表现) appear; look: 喜 ~ 于色 look very pleased; beam with undisguised happiness
❷ (对照) compare; contrast: 相 ~ 之下 by comparison; by contrast
◆形成 form; take shape; shape; formation; production; morph-; morpho-; plasto-; -plasia; -fy; 形丑心善 have a rough look [appearance] but a good heart; 形单影只 a solitary form, a single shadow — extremely lonely; a lone soul; be all on one's own; be left alone with only one's own shadow; single and alone; the form of a person with a single shadow; 形动词 {语} participle; 形而上学 {哲} metaphysics; 形骸 [书] the human skeleton; the human body; 形迹 a person's movements and expression; formality; 形迹可疑 suspicious appearance and movements; behaviour [manner] that arouses suspicion; give cause to suspicion; of doubtful aspect; of suspicious appearance; one's behaviour being suspectable; One's movements are suspicious.; suspicious-looking; 形浪意骸 given to sensual pleasures; 形容 [书] appearance; countenance; describe; 形容悲戚 One's face was ravaged with grief.; 形容词 {语} adjective; 形容枯槁 an emaciated, dried-up appearance; a shrivelled face; as withered as dead trees; (a face) old and worn; thin and emaciated; 形容憔悴 wan-looking; a sorrowful look; look utterly miserable; look wan; thin and pallid; (a) withered-looking (person); 形容猥琐 a frivolous portrayal; 形容消瘦 look thin; be gaunt and thin; 形色仓皇 appear in a big hurry; as a fugitive; 形色自若 One's countenance remains as before.; 形神 the body and the spirit; 形胜 [书] topographical advantages; favourable geographical position; 形(式)实(在)转换程序 thunk; 形式 form; shape; layout; modality; {自} format; {数} quantic;
形式化 formalize; formalization; 形式逻辑 formal logic; 形式上 in form; formal; 形式主义 formism; formalism; 形势 terrain; topographical features; situation; circumstances; 形数 figurate number; form-factor; 形似 be similar in form or appearance; 形似实非 as like as chalk and [to] cheese; seem alike [similar] in form but not in reality; 形态 form; shape; pattern: {语} morphology; 形态学 {生} morphology; 形体 shape (of a person's body); physique; body; form and structure; 形同虚设 perform practically no function; exist in name only; 形相 appearance; facial look; 形象 image; form; figure; vivid; visualization; 形象思维 think in images; 形形色色 of every hue; all manner of man or thing; of all forms; of all shades; of every description; of great variety and diversity; various; 形影不离 follow like a shadow; always together; be after each other like shadows; be momentarily with sb.; hand in glove with sb.; inseparable as body and shadow; inseparable like a person and his shadow; keep each other's company all the time; not separated for a moment; stick like glue to (sb.); Wherever there is form there is shadow.; 形影相吊 body and shadow comforting each other; A body has only its shadow for company — to be extremely lonely.; be sadly bereaved and lonely; extreme loneliness; have only one's form and shadow to condole with each other; He and his shadow make a pair.; sad and solitary; 形影相随 follow (up) like a shadow; attend as closely as a shadow; be in constant company like (the) body and (the) shadow; follow sb. wherever he goes; keep close at one's side; never to leave each other's side; One's toes are always at the other's heels.; two persons inseparable, like object and its shadow; Wherever [Everywhere] A goes, B goes.; 形于辞色 show in one's words and expression; 形状 form; appearance; shape; fashion; likeness; 形“左”实右 “Left” in form but “Right” in essence



body; physique; constitution





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