鹿lù ❶ (哺乳动物反刍类一科) deer: 公 ~ stag; buck; 母 ~ doe; 幼 ~ fawn ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 旗 Lu Qi ◆鹿角 {脊椎} antler; cornu cervi; deer horn; {军} abatis; 鹿圈 deer enclosure; deer pen; 鹿皮 buckskin; deerskin; 鹿茸 pilose antler (of a young stag); curnu cervi pantotrichum; pilose deer horn; 鹿肉 venison; 鹿舌 deer's-tongue; 鹿鼠 caclus mouse; 鹿死谁手 At whose hand will the deer die.; Who will gain supremacy.; Who will win the prize.; 鹿蹄草 wintergreen; pyrola rotundifolia; 鹿苑 deer park; 鹿砦 {军} abatis |