释义 |
必恭必敬毕恭毕敬bì gōng bì jìngbe filled with veneration for; ceremonious; courteous;extremely deferential; hold sb in solemn ceremony;in the most polite manner;reverent and respectful;reverential; show respect and deference; with cap(/hat) in hand; with excessive courtesy; with reverence ❍ 平日在宫中从来没有一个人敢反驳崇祯的话。他只允许人们在他的面前~,唯唯诺诺。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—741) No one in the palace ever dared talk back to the emperor,who only allowed people to be humble and servile. ❍ 维桑与梓,必恭敬止。(《诗经·小雅·小牟》)Even the mulberry trees and the zi|Must be regarded with reverence. ❍ 李主席临时拍拍衣上的灰尘,把头上的土灰色的绒绳子帽扶得端端正正的,~,向讲台走去。(周立波《家乡巨变》304) Chairman Li adjusted the grey wool knitted cap on his head till it was quite straight,and then walked in solemn ceremony to the plat form. ❍ 对面挺直的站着赵白眼和三个闲人,正在~的听说话。(《鲁迅选集》上—79) Standing erect before him were Zhao Baiyan and three others,all of them listening with the utmost deference to what he was saying. ❍ 校长似乎看出了她为难的神色,~地笑道: “您贵姓? ……” (杨沫《青春之歌》22) The headmaster,sensing her distress,asked with a respectfuL smile:“What is your name? …” 必恭必敬必(毕)bì ɡōnɡ bì jìnɡ十分恭敬。reverent and respectful, show respect and deference, with all due respect |