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单词 鸿


Ⅰ ❶ (鸿雁) swan goose: 轻于 ~ 毛 lighter than a goose feather
❷ [书] (书信) letter: 远方来 ~ a letter from afar
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 文 Hong Wen Ⅱ (大) great;grand: ~ 儒 great scholar;learned scholar;learned scholar;~ 图 great plans;grand prospects
◆鸿笔 great pen;great literary style;
鸿博之士 a man of extensive learning;
鸿飞 go away for some great undertakings;
鸿飞冥冥 The wild goose flies to the unseen world — one's whereabouts is unknown.;avoid and keep far away from...;
鸿[洪]福 great luck or blessing;
鸿福齐天 One's vast happiness is as high as the sky.;
鸿沟 wide gap;chasm;
鸿鹄 (天鹅) a large swan;
鸿鹄之志 lofty ambition;high aspirations;great ambition.;
鸿毛 [书] a goose feather — something very light or insignificant;
鸿门宴 a dinner at Hongmen where treachery [murder of invited guest] was planned;
鸿蒙 [书] primordial world,before the universe was formed;
鸿篇巨制 a masterpiece;a masterwork;
鸿[宏]图大展 carry out one's great plan;ride on the crest of success;
鸿雁 Anser cygnoides;swan goose;letter;mail;
鸿雁哀鸣 The refugees are mourning sorrowfully.;
鸿雁传书 a letter from afar;keep on shuttlecocking letters;mail a letter;messenger of a letter;
鸿雁来书 a letter from afar;
鸿业 achievements of a ruler;
鸿运 good luck;
鸿运高照 bring sb. good luck and success in life;be in luck;bread buttered on both sides;having good luck;
鸿爪 “goose foot-prints”;traces left over by past events





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