蜚fēi[书] 同“飞” [fēi] same as “飞” [fēi] 另见 see also fěi。 ◆蜚短流长 spread embroidered stories and malicious gossip;spread rumors; 蜚鸿满野 The distressed populace is found everywhere.; 蜚流之言 common gossip; 蜚声 [书] make a name;become famous; 蜚声鹊起 One's reputation suddenly becomes high and widespread.; 蜚英腾茂 be reputed and rise up to prosperity; 蜚语 rumors;gossip
蜚fěi ❶ (古书上指一种草虫) cockroach ❷ (传说中的灾兽) a legedary destructive beast 另见 see also fēi。 ◆蜚蠊 {动} blattaria;cockroach;roach |