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❶ (生活在水中的脊椎动物) fish: 煎 ~ fry fish in oil; 烤 ~ baked [grilled] fish; 两条 ~ two fish; 清炖 ~ stewed fish; 熏 ~ smoked fish; 一群 ~ a shoal of fish; 大 ~ 吃小 ~。 Larger fish devour the smaller ones.; The great fish eat up the small. 这个湖里 ~ 很多。 There are many fish in the lake.
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 跃 Yu Yue
◆鱼白 fish sperm; milt; the whitish colour of a fish's belly — grey dawn; 鱼鳔 swim bladder; fish maw; air bladder of a fish; 鱼叉 fish spear; fishgig; fish fork; harpoon; gaff; snigger; 鱼池 fishpond; [印尼] tambak; vivavium; 鱼翅 shark's fin; 鱼虫 water flea; 鱼唇 shark's lip; 鱼刺 fishbone; 鱼道 {水} fishway; fishpass; 鱼毒 ichthyotoxin; 鱼肚 fish maw (as food); 鱼肚白 the whitish colour of a fish's belly — grey dawn; twilight; 鱼饵 bait; stosh; killer; chum; 鱼粉 {食} fish meal; fish protein concentrate; 鱼肝油 {材} cod-liver oil; oleum morrhuae; bark soil; 鱼缸 fishbowl; fish globe; fish jar; 鱼钩 fishhook; angle; 鱼狗 {动} kingfisher; 鱼骨天线 fish-bone antenna; herring-bone antenna; 鱼贯而入 coming in succession; enter in single file; file in; 鱼花 fish fry; minnows; 鱼胶 {材} fish gelatin; fish glue; ichthyocolla; isinglass; [方] the air bladder (of yellow croaker); 鱼具 fishing tackle; fishing gear; 鱼口 bubo; 鱼雷 {军} torpedo; [美俚] fish; tin fish; 鱼类 fish; 鱼类学 ichthyology; 鱼鳞 fish scale; mackerel scale; scale; 鱼龙 {古生物} ichthyosaur; 鱼龙混杂 dragons and fishes jumbled together; good and bad mixed together; There was an admixture of the genuine and the false.; 鱼篓 junket; weel; 鱼露 {食品} fish sauce; [越] nuoc-mam; mam-ruot; 鱼卵 roe; spawn; redd; 鱼米之乡 a region, where the cultivation of rice and the breeding of fish flourish; a fertile region; a land flowing with milk and honey; a land of fish and rice — a land of plenty; a region abundant in fish and rice; 鱼苗 fry; krill; 鱼目混珠 pass off fish eyes as [for] pearls — pass off the sham as the genuine; get sb. to accept ignorantly a false article; mix the fictitious with the genuine; 鱼片 scrod; escrod; fillet; slices of fish meat; 鱼漂 cork on a fishing line; float; 鱼鳍 fins; 鱼群 shoal of fish; stock of fish; 鱼肉 the flesh of fish; fish and meat; cut up like fish and meat — cruelly oppress; victimize; 鱼石脂 {药} ammonium bithiolicum; ammonium ichthosulfonate; ammonium sulfoichthyolate; ichthammol; ichthyol ichthynat; ichthymall; ittiolo; 鱼水 fish and water; 鱼水情深 be close as fish and water; 鱼松 {食品} dried fish floss; 鱼塘 fishpond; vivavium; aquafarm; 鱼藤 {植} trifoliate jewelvine; Derris trifoliata; derris; 鱼藤酮 [俗] Tubatoxin; Haiari; Derris; Derrin; Aker-tuba; Nekoe; barbasco; babasco; cube; rotenone; Rotenoid; 鱼梯 {水} fish ladder; fish way; 鱼丸(子) fish ball; fish cake; 鱼网 fishnet; fishing net; 鱼尾号 boldface square brackets; 鱼鲜 fish and shellfish as food; seafood; 鱼腥草 {植} cordate houttuynia; Houttuynia cordata; 鱼汛 fishing season; 鱼雁 letters; epistles; 鱼秧 fingerling; 鱼鹰 osprey; fish hawk; sea eagle; cormorant; 鱼油 {材} fish oil; 鱼与熊掌, 不可兼得 one cannot serve God and Mammon.; unable to make up one's mind as to which of two desirable things to choose; 鱼跃 {排球} fish dive; 鱼闸 {水} borland fishlock; fishlock; 鱼种 fingerling; 鱼子 {食品} roe

鹰击长空,~翔浅底(毛泽东词《长沙》)Eagles cleave the air,Fish glide in the limpid deep(Mao Zedong’s poem Changsha)/白鲢~silver carp/ 斑点叉尾~ channel catfish/ 鲍~abalone/比目~ turbot; flatfish/草~ grass carp/鲳 (黄立仓)~ pomfret/大马哈~salmon/带~ribbon fish/鲽~flounder/多宝~turbot/多春~ shisamo/凤尾~ longtailed anchovy/鳜(桂) ~ mandarinfish/黄~ yellow croaker/鲫~ crucian carp/加吉~sea bream/甲~turtle/甲~裙边turtle rim/金枪~ tuna/鲸~ whale/鲤~ carp/鲮~dace/鲈~perch/鳗~eel/墨~cuttlefish/鲶~catfish;siluroid/胖头(花鲢)~spotted silver carp;big head/平~butterfish/青(马鲛)~mackerel/三文~salmon/沙丁~sardine/鲨~ shark/鳝~ freshwater eel/鲥~shad;herring/石斑~sea bass/武昌~Wuchang fish; blunt-snout/小口鳕~ haddock/鳕~ codfish/鲟~ sturgeon/银~whitebait;salangid/鱿~ squid/鳟~ trout;bulltrout/牙片~ olive flounder/章~ octopus/左口~halibut;flatfish





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