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单词 鬼鬼祟祟

鬼鬼祟祟guǐ guǐ suì suì

lurk and sneak around like a ghost; furtive;stealthy; thievish; secretive;surreptious
❍ 这又不知是来做耳报神的,也不知是来做探子的!~倒吓我一跳。什么好下流种子!(《红楼梦》583)Or are you spying for someone,acting in this hole-and corner way? You gave me quite a fright,you sneaky devil!/麝月是方才平儿来找他出去了。两个人~的,不知说什么。(《红楼梦》648) Just now Pinger called Sheyue out to have a word with her. Goodness knows what they’re being so secretive about.
❍ ~干什么?走! (杨沫《青春之歌》65) What devilish tricks are you up to now? Get moving!/而且为什么李玉亭又是那么~,好像要避过了王和甫?(茅盾《子夜》510) And why should Li Yuting be so furtive about it. as if he did not want Wang Hefu to hear?/可别~来讲什么帐,我叫本官打了你,退你!(《红楼梦》1288)Don’t try any hanky -panky,or I’ll get the commissioner to have you beaten and dismissed!/有话不分明说,许你们这样~的干什么故事?(《红楼梦》111) …if you’ve got something to say to each other,why can’t you say it out openly? Why all this guilty secrecy?/蒋老虎虽然这样问,心里已明白了一大半; 原来这小孩子近来~忙着的是这一些事; ……(叶圣陶《倪焕之》364) Although he asked this question,Tiger Jiang was already aware in his own mind of what the answer would mainly consist of; so this was what the lad had been so busy with of late,so mysterious and cloak-and-dagger!…/你们~干的那些事,也瞒不过我去。(《红楼梦》373) What you’re up to on the sly is no secret to me.
❍ 我很不希罕你那~的!(《红楼梦》 184) I don’t care for your sneaky way of doing things.
❍ 他们这群人,又想吃人,又是~,想法子遮掩,不敢直捷下手,真要令我笑死。(鲁迅《狂人日记》)The whole lot of them wanting to eat people yet stealthily trying to keep up appearances,not daring to do it outright,was really enough to make me die of laughter.
❍ ~,不晓得搞什么把戏?(周立波《山乡巨变》272) There’s something going on there. I don’t know what they’re up to.
❍ 怪道人人说他惯会~使人肉麻呢。(《红楼梦》806)No wonder people say you’re always up to underhand tricks.


stealthily;in a hole-and-corner fashion;sneaky;furtive;on the sly
要大大方方做人,不要~做事。Be a man of good taste,free from any secretive monkey business./盗贼~地溜进了百货大楼。The thief slipped into the department store stealthily.

鬼鬼祟祟ɡuǐ ɡuǐ suì suì

比喻偷偷摸摸见不得人的样子。sneaking, on the sly, furtive, on the cross, under the counter, hole-and-corner





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更新时间:2025/1/19 18:18:17