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单词 七嘴八舌

七嘴八舌qī zuǐ bā shé

seven mouths and eight tongues—with everybody trying to get a word in; all talking at once (/in confusion); a babel of (/suggestions/opinions/views); a whole lot of gossip;clamour one after another; conflicting opinions (/views)
❍ 大伙喜眉笑眼,~地说:“你当成和咱山外头一样哩?”(柳青《创业史》430) Laughing,brows dancing,the others all answered at once:“It’s different here than on the plain.”/最先是说他冷嘲; 渐渐的又~的说他谩骂,俏皮话,刻毒,可恶,学匪,绍兴师爷,等等,等等。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅲ—251) First they accuse him of cynicism. Then by degrees they all give tongue together,calling him a slanderer,a mischief-maker,vicious,vile,an academic bandit,a Shaoxing pettifogger,and so on and so forth.
❍ 二爷是知道的,咱们家里都是言合意不合,这点子没要紧,倒没的惹人~的讲究。(《红楼梦》1181) You know how it is in our family—all sweet talk hiding inward disagreement.It shouldn’t matter sending you a small present,but it might give rise to a whole lot of gossip.
❍ ~的争议又起来了。(茅盾《子夜》39) Then a babel of argument broke out again.
❍ 创作家大抵憎恶批评家的~。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅳ—42) Most writers hate critics for their carping tongues.
❍ 人们~地小声嚷嚷开。(冯志《敌后武工队》207) The men clamoured one after another in hushed voices./“当然是和的好……”接二连三的~,都这样说。孙华序一面微笑,一面点头。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—292)“Of course we prefer peace…”was the opinion of all who said it in a great bustle,and Sun Huaxu nodded smilingly.
❍ 一引开头,战士们~的,谁都认为他家乡出产的东西最好。(杨朔《三千里江山》12)The new topic being introduced,all the men struck in at once,each insisting that the produce of his native town was the best.
❍ 大家~地谈一阵到湖南去应该注意的某些事情。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—272)Meantime all the others in the room talked noisily on the question of how Jiaoshu should carry out his mission in Changsha.
❍ 人们~地骂他,追他,连主席团也压制不住。(周立波《暴风骤雨》391) With seven mouths and eight tongues,the villagers castigated and cursed him. Members of the presidium were powerless to stop them.
❍ 不行,一讨论,还得了,~的。(夏衍《考验》48) No! That would cause a hell of a state of affairs,with everybody saying who knows what.


seven mouths and eight tongues—many people speak all at once;with everybody trying to get a word in

七嘴八舌qī zuǐ bā shé

形容你一句,我一句,人多嘴杂;也形容大家广泛发表意见。all talking at once; many men, many minds, a babel of





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