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❶ (人体上肢前端能拿东西的部分) hand: ~ 拉 ~ hand in hand; ~ 织的毛衣 a hand-knitted woollen sweater
❷ (擅长某种技能的人或做某种事的人) a person doing or good at a certain job: 多面 ~ all-rounder; 能 ~ a skilled [good] hand; crackerjack; 拖拉机 ~ tractor driver; 助 ~ assistant Ⅱ (拿着) have in one's hand; hold: 人 ~ 一册。 Everyone has a copy. Ⅲ (小巧而便于拿的) handy; convenient: ~ 册 handbook Ⅳ (亲自) personally: ~ 植 personally plant (a tree, etc.) Ⅴ (用于技能、本领): 他能写一 ~ 好字。 He writes a good hand of Chinese characters. 他有一 ~ 好手艺。 He's a real craftsman.; He's a master of his craft. 他真有两 ~。 He really knows his stuff.
◆手板儿 [旧] teacher's ruler for beating pupils;
手背 opisthenar; the back of the hand;
手笔 sb.'s own handwriting or painting; literary skill;
手臂 arm;
手边 on hand; at hand;
手表 wrist watch; watch;
手柄 hand shank; rein;
手播 hand sowing;
手不释卷 be never seen without a book in hand; always with a book in one's hand; be a diligent reader; be very studious;
手操作 manual manipulation;
手册 handbook; manual; enchiridion; vade mecum; directory;
手叉腰 akimbo;
手抄本 hand-written copy; manuscript;
手车 handcart; wheelbarrow;
手持 hand; in hand;
手锄 hand hoe;
手锤 bishop; {机} hammer;
手戳 [口] handstamp; signet; private seal;
手到病除 bring back life to a patient; Illness departs at a touch of the hand (said as a tribute to a doctor or a trouble-shooter).; When the physician's hand fell on that illness, it straightway disappeared.;
手到擒来 capture an enemy easily;
手倒立 {体} handstand;
手底下 under the leadership of; under; at hand; at the hands of sb.; one's financial condition at the moment;
手电筒 electric torch; flashlight;
手动 hand movement (HM); manually operation;
手段 means; medium; measure; method; approach; lever; machinery; plan; resource; road; device; engine; tool; weapon; trick; artifice;
手法 skill; technique; trick; gimmick; manuduction; mechanism; chirismus; maneuver; {中医} manipulation;
手风琴 accordion;
手扶拖拉机 hand tractor; walking tractor;
手斧 adz; adze; hatchet; hand-adz;
手感 {纺} feel; handle; hand handle; touch;
手稿 original manuscript; holograph manuscript; manuscript;
手工 handwork; by hand; manual; handmade; [口] charge for a piece of handwork;
手工活 sthe. done by hand; handwork;
手工业 handicraft industry; handicraft; manufacture;
手工艺 handicraft art; handicraft;
手鼓 {音} a small drum similar to the tambourine; tabour;
手号 hand horn;
手机 handset;
手迹 sb.'s original handwriting or painting;
手疾眼快 quick of eye and deft of hand; moving or acting quickly;
手技 manipulation;
手记 take notes oneself [personally]; notes taken by oneself;
手简 informal personal note to a friend;
手脚 movement of hands or feet; motion; [方] underhand method; trick;
手脚不清[不干净] be light-fingered; be sticky-fingered — questionable in money matters;
手紧 closefisted; tightfisted;
手劲儿 muscular strength of the hand;
手巾 hand towel; towel;
手锯 arm saw; hack-file; hand saw; padsaw;
手卷 {美术} hand scroll;
手绢 handkerchief;
手铐 handcuffs; manacle;
手控 manual control; hand control; manual regulation; switch insertion;
手快 deft of hand;
手拉葫芦 {机} chain block; 手雷 {军} antitank grenade; 手力千斤顶 {机} hand jack;
手榴弹 hand grenade; grenade;
手笼 muff; handwarmer, shaped like a basket;
手炉 handwarmer;
手轮 {机} hand wheel; pilot wheel;
手忙脚乱 act with confusion; be busy rushing from one to another; be in a great bustle [flurry]; in a flurry; (to be so busy that) one's hands and feet were all in confusion; thrown into confusion;
手民 [书] typesetter;
手帕 handkerchief; mocketer; mocket;
手蹼 webbed gloves;
手旗 handflag; semaphore flag;
手气 luck at gambling, card playing, etc.;
手钳 pliers; plyers; hand vise [vice];手枪 pistol; handgun; shooter; heatrola; dewey;
手巧 skilful with one's hands; deft; dexterous;
手勤 diligent; industrious; hardworking;
手轻 not use too much force; handle gently;
手球 handball;
手刃 stab sb. to death; kill with one's own hand;
手软 be irresolute when firmness is needed; be soft-hearted;
手刹车 hand brake;
手生 lack practice and skill; be out of practice;
手势 gesture; sign; signal;
手势语(言) manual speech; kinetic speech; sign language; finger language;
手书 write in one's own hand; personal letter;
手术 surgical operation; operation;
手术刀 scalpel; surgical knife;
手术室 operating room; operating theatre (OR);
手术台 operating table;
手松 freehanded; openhanded;
手套 gloves; mittens; baseball gloves; mitts;
手提 portable;
手提式(的) portable; hand-held;
手头 right beside one; on hand; at hand;
手推车 handcart; wheelbarrow; go-cart; dolly;ranking bar; pushcart; barrow; hurl barrow; trolley;
手腕 artifice; finesse; stratagem;
手腕子 wrist;
手纹 handprint; lines of the hand; lines on one's palm;
手无寸铁 bare-handed; unarmed; defenseless; totally unarmed; have no weapon in one's hand;
手无缚鸡之力 lack the strength to truss up a chicken — feeble; be physically very weak;
手舞足蹈 dance with joy [excitement]; cut a caper; dance for joy; gesticulating with hands and feet; gesticulate merrily; jump about joyfully; shake one's hands and stamp one's feet; wave one's arms and stamp one's feet in joy;
手下 under the leadership of; under; at hand; at the hands of sb.; one's financial condition at the moment;
手下败将 one's defeated opponent; a warrior vanquished by sb.'s hand; one who has suffered defeat (at my hands);
手下留情 show mercy; be lenient; pull one's punches;
手相学 chirognomies; chirognosy; chirology;
手写 write; take notes by oneself;
手写体 handwriting; handwritten form; script;
手心 palm; the palm of the hand; control; in the hands of sb.;
手续 procedures; formalities; routine; process;
手续费 commission; 手选 picking; picking out;
手癣 {医} tinea manuum; fungal infection of the hand;
手眼通天 exceptionally adept in trickery;
手痒 one's fingers itch; have an itch to do sth.;
手摇(的) hand;
手摇钻 hand drill; bitbrace; {木} brog; twist gimlet; rotary hand drill; wimble;
手艺 workmanship; craftsmanship; mechanics; handicraft; skill;
手淫 masturbation; manustupration; ipsation; ipsism; mentulomania; automanipulation; onanism; [美俚] handjob;
手印 an impression of the hand; handprint; fingerprint; thumbprint;
手语 sign language; dactylophasia; dactylology; chirology;
手谕 [旧] personal written instruction of a senior;
手泽 [书] handwriting or articles left by one's forefathers;
手札 [书] personal letter;
手掌 palm; vola;
手杖 walking stick; stick ; staff; ashplant; cane;
手诏 [旧] order of a ruler in his personal writing;
手折 [旧] memo presented to a superior; a notebook recording commercial deliveries, orders, payment, etc.;
手指甲 finger nail;
手指头 [口] finger;
手指 finger; dactyl; maniphalanx;
手纸 toilet paper;
手重 use too much force; weight in hand;
手镯 bracelet; bangle;
手足 member: brothers; {生理} hands and feet;
手足无措 have no idea [not to know] what to do with one's hands and feet; at a loss what to do; be bewildered; confused; discomposed; disconcerted; feel completely at a loss; in discomfiture; perplexed;
手足之情 brotherly affection;
手钻 gimlet; hand-boring; hand drill








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