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单词 高高在上

高高在上gāo gāo zài shàng

be high aloft above;be far removed from the masses and reality;ride the high horse;set oneself (/stand) high above the masses
❍ 假使真有一位一视同仁的造物主,~,那么,对于人类的这些小聪明,也许倒以为多事,…… (鲁迅《朝花夕拾》9) If there really is a creator above who considers all creatures as equal,he may think these clever tricks of man rather uncalled for,…/因为我是~地活了四十年,一下子掉在地平线上的,…… (爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》481) After forty years of living as a very superior being I had been suddenly brought down to earth.
❍ 敬之敬之,天维显思; 命不易哉,无曰~。(《诗经·周颂·敬之》) Let me be reverent,let me be reverent,in attending to my duties; |The way of Heaven is evident,|And its appointment is not easily preserved. |Let me not say that it is high aloft above me.


stand high above the masses;be divorced from the masses and reality
~,发号施令be accustomed to issuing orders from on high;imperious/~,滥用权力stand high above the masses and abuse power

高高在上ɡāo ɡāo zài shànɡ

比喻地位高。形容不深入实际,脱离群众,把自己放在群众之上。stand high above the masses, ride the high horse, hold oneself aloof





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