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单词 象牙之塔

象牙之塔xiàng yá zhī tǎ

an ivory tower-an artistic realm cut off from the reality(/struggle of life)
❍ 象牙塔里的文艺,将来决不会出现于中国,因为环境并不相同,这里是连摆这“~”的处所也已经没有了。(鲁迅《二心集·序言》1)There could be no ivory-tower art in China because we lacked a suitable enviroment,lacked even the site for an ivory tower.
❍ 但这些我都不管,因为我幸而还没有爬上“~”去,正无须怎样小心。(鲁迅《朝花夕拾·<二十四孝图>》21)However,this does not worry me,for luckily I have not yet climbed up to any“ivory tower”and therefore need not be on my guard.
❍ 同学们!走出~!走出课堂!我们要为挽救民族的危亡而战斗呵!(杨沫《青春之歌》587)Fellow students!Come out of your ivory towers!Come out of your classrooms!Fight to save the nation!

象牙之塔xiang ya zhi ta

ivory tower—aloofness from practical life

象牙之塔xiang ya zhi ta

ivory tower,meaning aloofness from practical life

象牙之塔xiànɡ yá zhī tǎ

原是19世纪法国著名的文艺批评家圣佩韦批评同时代一名诗人的话。现多泛指企图脱离社会现实,主张“为艺术而艺术”的文艺家的个人主观幻想的艺术天地。ivory tower, an artistic realm cut off from the reality





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