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(十个十) hundred Ⅱ (众多;所有的) all;all kind of;classes;multifarious;numerous:~ 忙之中 in the midst of pressing affairs;despite many claims on one's time;~ 问不厌,~ 拿不烦 (of a shop assistant) patiently answer any questions the customers ask and show them any goods they what to see;~ 业 all professions;~ 兽 all kinds of animals;
千方 ~ 计 by all manners or methods;by all means;a hundred and one ways Ⅲ (非常) very;always:精神 ~ 倍 full of energy;with high spirit;~ 精 ~ 灵 very clever
另见 see also bó;mò。
◆百般刁难 create all sorts of obstacles;create obstructions of every description;keep raising objections;put up innumerable obstacles;raise all manner of difficulties;
百般奉承 flatter sedulously;flatter by every means;tirelessly fawn upon sb.;
百般劝慰 try every means to soothe;try to soothe and coax sb.;
百般照顾 show sb. every consideration;
百倍 a hundredfold;a hundred times;
百弊 all the ill effects;
百弊丛生 All kinds of corruptions creep in.;
百病丛生 All kinds of diseases and ailments break out.;All kinds of troubles arise.;
百步穿杨 pierce a willow leaf with an arrow from the distance of a hundred paces;hit a willow branch at 100 yards by an arrow;hit the target at every shot;One can hit virtually any target within a hundred steps.;
百尺竿头,更进一步 make still further progress;continue to do better;One should try to do still better after having achieved a fair degree of success.;win still further achievements;
百川归海 All rivers flow to the sea.;All things tend in one direction.;the general trend of events;
百读不厌 be worth reading a hundred times;
百端待举 Numerous tasks remain to be undertaken.;A thousand things remain to be done.;have one hundred and one things to do [to attend to];There are a lot of items to be established.;
百发百中 fire at the target a hundred times without a single miss;A hundred shots,a hundred bull's eyes.;be a crack shot;drop ... with every shot;Every blow [shot] tells.;Every shot hits the target [mark].;hit one's mark every single time and never miss;hit the target at every shot;make every shot tell;never miss one's aim [quarry];shoot with unfailing accuracy;The shots hit every time.;
百废待举 have a hundred things to do;A thousand things wait to be done.;Everything is waiting to be taken up.;
百分 per cent;percent;100 marks;centi;
百分比[率] percentage;
百分之百 a hundred per cent;out and out;absolutely;totally;
百感交集 have mixed feelings;A multitude of feelings surge up.;All sorts of feelings well up in one's heart.;be moved by a mixture of feelings;crowd upon one's mind;fill one's mind with a myriad of thoughts;Memories crowded on [upon] one's mind.;
百果 all kinds of fruits;
百合 {植} lily;artichoke;lilium brownii;
百花奖 the Hundred Flowers Awards;
百花齐放 All flowers bloom together.;Flowers of every kind are in bloom.;
百花齐放,百家争鸣 Let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend.;
百花齐放,推陈出新 Let a hundred flowers bloom and new things emerge from the old.;Let a hundred flowers blossom,weed through the old to bring forth the new.;
百花盛开 Hundreds of flowers are in full bloom [blossom].;a hundred flowers in bloom;The garden is full of blooming flowers.;
百会 {穴位} Baihui acupoint (GV 20);百家姓 the Book of Family Names;
百看不厌 Never tire of seeing ...;be worth reading [watching] a hundred times;be at all times a great pleasure to see;never get bored reading ...;One never tires of looking at ...;watch ... time and again with unfailing interest;
百科全书 encyclopaedia;
百口莫辩 beyond dispute;inexcusable;
百里才 [书] small talent;good only for country magistracy;
百里挑一 Only one in a hundred is chosen.;one in a hundred;cream of the crop;
百炼成钢 be toughened and hardened into steel;be steeled [tempered] in repeated struggles;be tempered into steel;
百灵 {动} lark;
百衲本 edition of ancient works made up of collected passages,or of best existing editions of parts;collection of various editions;
百衲衣 monk's ragged robe,made of patches;ragged clothing;
百年不遇 not occur even in a hundred years;once in a blue moon;
百年大计 a fundamental task crucial for generations to come;a long-range program;a project of vital and lasting importance;be an important task for centuries to come;
百年大计,质量第一 Quality comes first in our mighty construction plan!;百年树人 It takes a hundred years to educate the people.;Education of the people takes a hundred years to bear fruits.;
百年偕老 live together to be a hundred — to be said of a couple;a happy union of a hundred years;be happily married and together reach an old age;
百年之后 [婉] when one has passed away;after one's death;
百鸟朝凤 A hundred birds are paying homage to a phoenix.;birds paying homage to the phoenix;
百日咳 {医} bronchocephalitis;whooping cough;pertussis;anhela clamosa;
百身何赎 unable to ransom by a hundred selves — when one dies it can never be redeemed;express one's great sorrow in mourning over sb.'s death;
百事顺吉 Everything goes right.;
百事通 knowledgeable person;know-all;an expert in everything;a Jack of all trades;
百事头难 The beginning of everything is difficult.;
百寿图 scroll consisting of hundred forms of the character for “shòu” (longevity);
百兽之王 the monarch of all beasts;king of all animals — the lion;
百思不解 remain puzzled after pondering over sth. a hundred times;cannot understand after repeated thinking;incomprehensible;remain perplexed despite much thought;
百听不厌 worth hearing a hundred times;never get tired of hearing;
百万 million;
百万富翁 millionaire;
百闻不如一见 To see sth. once is better than hearing about it a hundred times.;It is better to see once than hear a hundred times.;One look is worth a thousand words.;Seeing for oneself is a hundred times better than hearing from others.;Seeing is believing.;What one hears is not as reliable as what one sees.;
百问不厌 patiently answer any questions sb. asks;not to lose one's temper no matter how often others [customers] ask;
百无禁忌 no restrictions of any kind;No evil influence can do any harm.;Nothing is taboo.;scorn all taboos;There are no taboos or restrictions at all.;without any restraint;
百无聊赖 The time hangs heavy on one's hands.;bored stiff;bored to death;idle away time aimlessly;overcome with boredom;The day is long to him who knows not how to use it.;thoroughly bored;utterly bored [helpless];very much bored;
百无一是 Absolutely nothing is correct.;
百无一长 without a single talent [skill];good for nothing;
百无一精 not particularly skilled in any one trade;
百无一失 absolutely sure,no possibility of failure;cannot fail under any circumstances;can't possibly go wrong;not a chance of an error;no danger of anything going wrong;no risk at all;perfectly safe;
百姓 common people;people;all existing family names;
百叶[方] a cake of many thin layers,made of bean curds;cow's or sheep's tripe;
百叶[页]窗 window-shades;shades;window- blinds;blinds;blind window;louver window;jalousie;louver;shutter;back-flap;back-fold;back-shutter;
百叶裙 frilly;
百叶箱 {气} thermometer screen;instrument shelter;
百依百顺 obey in every way;agree with sb. about everything;all obedience;assent to every proposal;be obedient in all things;docile and obedient;like wax in sb.'s hands;listen to sb. and do anything he [she] wishes;obedient to sb. in every matter;obey sb. implicitly;servile to sb.;be all things to all men;
百战百胜 fight a hundred battles,win a hundred victories;A hundred battles,a hundred victories.;be ever victorious;come out victorious in every battle;emerge victorious in every battle;invincible;win victory in every fight;
百战不殆 (Know the enemy and know yourself,and) you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.;
百折不回 pushing forward despite repeated frustrations;advance bravely and never withdraw [give in];keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks;with indomitable fortitude;
百折不挠 never yield in spite of reverses;be undaunted by repeated setbacks;dauntless;keep on fighting inspite of all setbacks;not to lose heart despite repeated failures;
百折不挠,再接再励 through one's dauntless and persistent efforts;indomitable;
百周年纪念 centenary;centenary celebration;centennial;
百足 centipede;
百足之虫,死而不僵 The centipede goes on wriggling when he's already dead.;Old institutions die hard.;A centipede does not topple over even when dead.;A centipede even when dead won't fall to the ground.;A centipede dies but never falls down.

❶ (用于地名) a word used in a place name: ~ 色 Boshe (in Guangxi)
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 政 Bo Zheng
另见 see also bǎi;mò。





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