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单词 高歌猛进

高歌猛进gāo gē měng jìn

advance boldly with songs on one’s lips; advance in great strides; tri umphantly; stride forward singing militant songs (/songs of triumph)
❍ 他们在这个远离祖国的山头阵地上,在这跳动着蜡烛光焰的坑道里,都能感到祖国那沸腾建设的气息,听到百年来被凌辱的祖国,如今正在~的脚步声!(杨佩瑾《剑》16) On the battle-field far away from their motherland,under the leaping candle-light in the tunnel,they could almost feel the pulse of vigorous socialift construction going on all over the vast land,could almost hear the full-throated singing and energetic marching of their countrymen who,for a century before,had lived a life of humiliation.

高歌猛进gao ge meng jin

forge ahead while singing songs of triumph

高歌猛进ɡāo ɡē měnɡ jìn

高声歌唱,勇猛前进。比喻斗志昂扬,精神饱满,大踏步地迈向前方。advance triumphantly, stride forward singing songs of triumph, march forward in triumph





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