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(构词成分): ~ 蛇 [- yí][书] (形容道路、山脉、河流等弯弯曲曲延续不绝的样子) winding; meandering
另见 see also wěi; wèi。


❶ (托付) entrust; trust: ~ 以重任 entrust sb. with an important task
❷ (抛弃) cast aside; throw away; discard; abandon: ~ 之于地 cast away on the ground; cast sth. upon the ground
❸ (推委) shift: ~ 过 shift the blame onto others
❹ [书] (积聚) accumulate: ~ 积 gather; accumulate Ⅱ ❶ (曲折) roundabout; indirect; winding: ~ 曲 tortuous; winding
❷ (无精打采; 不振作) dispirited; dejected; listless: ~ 顿 tired; weary; exhausted Ⅲ ❶ (委员) committee member: 常 ~ member of a standing committee
❷ (委员会) committee; commission; council: 军 ~ the Military Commission; 党 ~ Party committee
❸ [书] (水流所聚; 水的下游; 末尾) end: 原 ~ the beginning and the end; 穷原竟 ~ get to the bottom of the matter
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 进 Wei Jin Ⅳ [书] (的确; 确实) really; certainly; actually: ~ 系实情。 This is the true story.
另见 see also wēi; wèi。
◆委办船车 managing owner; 委顿 tired; exhausted; weary; fatigued; 委付 abandon; 委过 put the blame on sb. else; shift the blame on to others; 委过于人 lay the blame on others; try to impute responsibility to others; 委陵菜 {中药} potentilla chinensis; 委靡 listless; dispirited; dejected; 委靡不振 dispirited; dejected and apathetic; in low spirits; 委内瑞拉 Venezuela; 委蔫 languescent; 委派 appoint; delegate; designate; 委曲 (of roads, rivers, etc.) winding; tortuous; 委曲求全 compromise out of consideration for the general interest; be quite accommodating and care for overall interests; condescend to do a thing; make accommodations for the sake of the overall interest; make concessions to achieve one's purpose; save the situation by making concessions; show oneself forbearing and conciliatory for the sake of the common good; stoop in order to accomplish sth.; stoop to compromise; suffer a wrong in the general interest; 委屈 feel wronged; suffer from injustice; nurse a grievance; put sb. to great inconvenience; 委任 appoint; nominate; 委肉虎蹊 be in a dangerous situation that misfortune will inevitably occur; throw the meat on the path which the tiger haunts; 委实 really; indeed; 委实招供 confess (truthfully); make a confession of one's crime; 委琐 [书] petty; trifling; of wretched appearance; 委托 entrust; trust; bail; authorize; 委托代理 agency by mandate; 委托合同 contract on commission; 委托加工 processing deal; 委婉[宛] mild and roundabout; tactful; euphemistic; 委婉动听 narrate in a specious manner that moves one to listen; 委婉曲折 (speak) in a specious manner and in a crooked way; 委以重任 entrust with an important post; 委员 committee member; member of a committee; 委员会 committee; commission; council; 委诸命运 abandon to fate; 委罪 put the blame on sb. else; shift blame on to sb. else


(构词成分): ~ [- jī] (古代指仓廪积聚的物资) goods and materials stored in a granary in ancient China
另见 see also wēi; wěi。





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