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单词 warm
warm/wɔ:m, AmE wɔ:rm/ adj [-er/-est]; v & n

adj (1)温暖的,暖和的(of relatively high temperature between cool and hot): It is getting~er and~er. 天气变得越来越暖和了。the bright and~sun 明亮而温暖的阳光; The sun shone bright and~. 阳光明媚,暖融融的。The wind blew~. 风吹得暖洋洋的。a~bath/fire/climate 温水浴/暖和的炉火/温暖的气候; a gust of~air 一股温暖的空气; a bowl of~water/soup/milk 一碗热水/汤/牛奶; A~breeze blew upon me. 一股暖风吹到我身上。The crops won't grow until the~er weather. 天气再暖和些,庄稼才会生长。The freshly baked bread was still~. 新烤出来的面包还热着呢。〖同〗heated,hot;〖反〗cool,cold,chilly;
 (2)体温正常的;皮肤发热的(of normal body temperature or a fairly skin temperature):The small baby should be kept~. 一定不能让这个婴儿着凉。get~by the fireplace 在壁炉旁烤火取暖;Please open the window. I'm much too~in here. 请打开窗户,这儿太热了。have~feet 脚感到暖和;Are you~enough? 你身上够暖吗?
 (3)(衣服)保暖的(able to keep in heat):a~pullover/sweater/coat/jumper 暖和的套头毛衣/运动衫/上衣/紧身毛衣;~clothes/underclothing 暖和的衣服/内衣;a pair of~socks 一双保暖的袜子;Dress the children in the~est clothing. 给孩子们穿上最暖和的衣服。〖同〗hot;〖反〗cool,cold;
 (4)(工作、运动等)使人感到热的(causing a feeling of heat):We're~from exercise/running. 锻炼/跑步使我们暖和起来。It was a~climb. 这是一次让人出汗的攀登。〖同〗hot;〖反〗cool,cold;
 (5)热情(心)的,热烈的(showing strong feeling or being hearty):~applause/congratulations/gratitude/greetings 热烈的掌声/真诚的祝贺/衷心的感谢/热情的问候; get a~invitation/reception 受到热情的邀请/招待; give sb a~welcome/recommendation/support 热情地欢迎/推荐/支持某人; The question prompted a~discussion/argument/debate. 这个问题引起了热烈的讨论/争论/辩论。He was~in his praise for his host. 他热情地赞扬他的主人。The dispute grew~. 争辩变得激烈起来。be~with wine 喝酒后兴奋起来;〖同〗lively,vigorous,passionate;〖反〗cold,apathetic,dull,boring;
 (6)同情的;示爱的(being sympathetic or affectionate): a~person/supporter/friend 热情的人/支持者/朋友; a~smile on sb's face 某人脸上热情的微笑; a~embrace 亲切的拥抱; She has a~kindly personality. 她性情和蔼可亲。have a~heart 有一副热心肠;〖同〗affectionate,kind,sympathetic,friendly;〖反〗cold,unfriendly,cruel, hardhearted;
 (7)(颜色、声音等)暖调的(giving a pleasant feeling): I don't want to have my living room decorated in bright colours,but something~. 我不想用艳丽的颜色而用暖色来装饰卧室。a~and mellow sound 优美柔和的声音;~colours 暖色调; a~voice 优美的嗓音;〖同〗sunny,vivid,brilliant,glowing; 〖反〗cold,dull;
 (8)没有变冷,新鲜的(not having time to get cold or being fresh): The dogs were following a~scent/smell/trail. 狗正在追踪新鲜的气味/气味/踪迹。When we found the body, it was still~. 当我们发现这个尸体时,它还没有变冷。〖同〗fresh;
 (9)将要猜中的(being close to the answer)[作pred]:You're not even~. I'll give you a hint. 你猜得太远了,我给你一个提示。She is getting~er. 她猜得差不多了。
 keep sb's seat warm 为某人暂时占座位(infml): Please keep the seat~for me,and I'll be back in a moment. 请为我占着座位,我一会儿就回来。
 keep the position warm 暂留职位(infml):We want to keep the position~for him till his coming back. 我们想为他留着这个职位,直到他归来。
 make it/things warm for sb 刁难/惩罚某人(infml): Don't make it~for them or you'll be in trouble. 别刁难他们,不然你会惹麻烦的。
 (as) warm as toast 暖洋洋(infml):We lit the fire and were soon as~as toast. 我们生起了火,很快就觉得暖烘烘的了。
 →′warmly adv 温暖地,暖和地;热情地,热烈地;warmth n 温暖;暖和;warm-′blooded adj 容易动感情的;warm-′hearted adj 热心肠的;
 v(1)使温暖,加热;变暖(cause sth/sb to become warm)[II+adv(up),T+nT+n+adv(up)]:a~ing drink/fire 令人感到暖和的饮料/火;The soup (milk) is~ing(up)in the pot/on the stove. 汤(牛奶)在罐里/炉子上热着呢。~the bottle/plates/cold meal 加热瓶酒/盘餐/冷饭;The fire soon~ed the room. 炉火不久就烤暖了屋子。~one's hands by the open fire/at the radiator 在篝火旁/暖气上烤手;~oneself in front of the fire 在炉子前烤火; A glass of rum will~you up. 一杯朗姆酒就能使你暖和起来。~ed-up dish 热好了的菜;〖同〗 heat,cook,simmer; 〖反〗chill,freeze;
 (2)使……愉快,使……热情(make happy or enthusiastic)[T+n]:The sight of home/child's happy smile~ed their hearts. 看见家/孩子们愉快的笑容使他们心里高兴起来。〖同〗cheer; 〖反〗depress,sadden;
 warm the cockles of sb's heart 使某人愉快或高兴:The boy's good achievements in school~ed the cockles of his parents' hearts. 这个男孩在学校取得好成绩使他的父母感到高兴。
 warm over (v adv) 1)重新加热(vt)(AmE):It won't take a minute to~over the soup for you. 给你热一下汤用不了一分钟。2)重提(vt)(AmE):You are just~ing over the idea from others. 你这是重提别人的观点。
 warm to/towards (v prep) 1)喜欢上(vt):The students~ed to/towards the new teacher immediately. 学生们立即喜欢上了新老师。2)对……更感兴趣(vt):The more he spoke, the more he~ed to the subject. 他对这个话题越讲越起劲。
 warm up(v adv) 1)做准备活动(v):The sportsmen are~ing up before the race. 运动员正在做赛前准备活动。2)预热(vt):Let's~up the engine. 让我们预热发动机。3)使某人或某事更加活跃(vt):The MC~ed up the audience with a few jokes. 主持人说了几个笑话使观众活跃起来。
 →′warmer n 取暖器;保暖器;′warming-pan n 暖床器;′warm-up n 准备练习;
 n(1)温暖的地点或条件(warm place or condition)[Uthe/a~]:have a~暖和一下;It's cold outside. Come to the fire for a~. 到炉子边来暖和一下。Come into the~. 外边寒冷,进来暖和暖和。Sit here in the~. 坐在这里暖和暖和。
 (2)加热(warming)[Ua~]:The gardener took off the wet coat and gave it a~by the fire. 园丁脱下湿衣服在火边烤烤。





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