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❶ (用脊背驮) carry on the back:~ 一捆草 carry a bundle of straw on the back
❷ (负担) bear;shoulder;~ 责任 shoulder the responsibility
另见 see also bèi 。
◆背包袱 carry baggage — have a weight [load] on one's mind;become a burden on one's mind;carry a bundle on one's back;take on a mental burden;
背带 (裤子的;裙子的) braces;suspenders;gallusus;(枪的) sling;(背包的) straps;
背黑锅 [口] take the blame for others;be made a scapegoat;be unjustly blamed;
背债 be in debt;get [run] into debts;be saddled with debts;contract [incur] debts


Ⅰ ❶ (躯干的一部分) body's back:马 ~ the back of a horse
❷ (物体的反面或后部) back side of an object:镜 ~ back of a mirror;
靠 ~ back cushion;
手 ~ the back of the hand
❸ (姓氏) a surname:~ 廷 Bei Ting Ⅱ ❶ [口] (不顺利;倒霉) unlucky:手气 ~ unlucky at card playing or gambling,etc.
❷ (偏僻) out-of-the-way: ~ 街 back street;
很 ~ 的小路 a remote path
❸ (听觉不灵) hard of hearing:耳朵真 ~ be very hard of hearing Ⅲ ❶ (背部对着) with the back facing [towards]:~ 墙而立 stand with the back towards the wall;
把脸 ~ 过去 turn one's face away;
人心向 ~ whether the people are for or against
❷(离开;抛弃) leave;abandon:~ 离家园 leave one's native place
❸ (躲避;瞒) hide sth. from;do sth. in secret:~ 着人吃 eat secretly;~ 着人说话 talk behind sb.'s back
❹ (背诵) recite from memory;repeat to memory;learn by heart:~ 课文 recite the text;~ 台词 speak one's lines
❺ (违反) act contrary to;violate;break:~ 盟弃信 violate a treaty
❻ (昏迷) faint;fall unconcious:~ 过气了 fainted
另见 see also bēi 。
◆背包 knapsack;rucksack;infantry pack;field pack blanket roll;wallet;packsack;
背部 back;{解} dorsum;
背衬 backing;backlining;
背城借一 make one last stand before the city wall;be prepared to fight and die;fight to the death;fight to the last ditch;
背道而驰 run in opposite directions — draw further apart;be opposed to;go (diametrically) against;go against ... in a diametrically opposite direction;march in the opposite direction;run counter to;
背风 out of the wind;on the lee side;leeward;
背光 be in a poor light;do sth. with one's back to the light;stand in one's own light;
背后 behind;at the back;in the rear;
背后捣鬼 instigate trouble behind sb.' back;
背后骂人 curse sb. behind his back;
背后议论 talk of [gossip about] people behind their backs;
背后有靠山 have sb. to rely upon;be well looked after by others;
背脊 back of the human body;
背井离乡 be forced to leave one's hometown;be away from home;be compelled to leave one's home village;leave one's native place;stay on a strange land;
背景 background;backdrop;setting;
背离 deviate from;depart from;
背面 the back;the reverse side;the wrong side;
背叛 betray;forsake;rebel;
背弃 abandon;betray;desert;renounce;
背书 recite a lesson from memory;repeat a lesson;{经} endorsement (on a check);endorse;indorse;back;
背水为阵 make one's array with a river in one's rear;burn one's bridges;deploy the troops with backs to a river;fight with one's back to the river;
背水一战 fight with one's back to the river — fight to win or die;be forced to stand and fight;be trapped and have to fight;burn one's boats [bridges];conduct a desperate struggle;conquer or die;have one's back to the wall;make a desperate fight in the last ditch;put up a desperate fight;
背诵 recite;repeat from memory;say by heart [rote];背心 underwaist;sleeveless sweater;sleeveless garment;vest;waistcoat;
背信弃义 treachery;act in bad faith;act perfidiously;be guilty of perfidy;break faith with sb.;break one's faith;break one's word and forget one's benefactor;go against one's words and obligations;have no sense of gratitude;perfidious involving a breach of faith;perfidy;play false;show one's bad faith;treacherous;
背椅 chair with back;
背阴 in the shade;shady;
背影 a view of sb.'s back;a figure viewed from behind;the sight of one's back;
背约 break an agreement;break treaty;break one's promise;a breach of contract;fail to keep one's promise;go back on one's word


【方言】be unlucky







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