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(四加一后所得) five: ~ 分之一 one fifth Ⅱ {音} ❶ (我国民族音乐音阶上的一级) a note of the scale in gongchepu (工尺谱), corresponding to 6 in numbered musical notation
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 圣 Wu Sheng
◆五保户 five guarantees family (the aged, the childless the infirm, old widows and orphans) taken care of by the people's communes in five ways (food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses); households enjoying the five guarantees, i.e childless and infirm old persons who are guaranteed food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses by the communes; 五倍 quintupling; 五倍子 {中药} Chinese gall; gallnut; {化} nutgall; gall apple; cecidien; 五边形 pentagon; 五步蛇 {动} long-noded pit viper; Ancistrodon acutus; 五彩 the five colours; multicoloured; colourful; 五彩斑斓 a riot of colour(s); 五彩缤纷 a riot of colours; all the colours of the rainbow; assemblage of colours; be riot with colours; blazing with colour; colourful; in amazing colours; multicoloured; the play of colours; 五层纸箱 five ply paper bag; 五迟 {中医} five kinds of retardation; 五重唱 {音} (vocal) quintet; 五重奏 {音} (instrumental) quintet; 五次 quintic; 五大三粗 big and tall; stalwart; 五代 the Five Dynasties (907-960), namely, the Later Liang Dynasty (后梁, 907-923), the Later Tang Dynasty (后唐, 923-936), the Later Jin Dynasty (后晋, 936-946), the Later Han Dynasty (后汉, 947-950), and the Later Zhou Dynasty (后周, 951-960); 五灯收音机 five-valve receiver; 五斗柜 chest of drawers; 五毒 the five poisonous creatures (scorpion, viper, centipede, house lizard and toad); “five evils” (bribery, tax evasion, theft of state property, cheating on government contracts and stealing of economic information); “five poisons” (a campaign was launched in 1952 against capitalist bribery of government employees, tax evasion, theft of state property, cheating on government contracts and stealing economic information for speculation); 五短身材 be short of stature; 五段教学法 {教} five formal lesson-steps; five formal steps; 五反(运动)(1951-1952) struggle [the movement] against “five evils” (the struggle against capitalist bribery of government workers, tax evasion, theft of state property, cheating on government contracts, and stealing economic information for private industrial and commercial enterprises); 五方人士 people from all regions; 五方杂处[聚] a place where all kinds of people live; inhabited by people from all walks of life; (city where) people from all regions congregate; There are men from all districts in the city.; 五分制 {教} the five-grade marking system; 五风 (指共产风、浮夸风、瞎指挥风、命令风、特殊风) tendencies (to effect the transition to communism prematurely, to exaggerate, to order about arbitrarily, to rely on commandism, and to behave as the privileged); 五风十雨 different categories of rainfall intensity and wind scales; Everything goes smoothly.; favorable [good] weather for the crops; seasonable rains and moderate winds; wind and rain in proper quantities and at proper times; 五福临门 The five blessings have descended upon the house.; 五父 a surname; “五个一”工程 Five One Project, i.e. a good book, a good TV series, a good play, a good film, a good article; 五更 the five watches [periods] of the night; the fifth watch of the night; just before dawn; 五更起床, 百事兴旺 He that would thrive, must rise at five.; 五公 {逻} the five concepts referring to class, species, specific difference, inherent non-essential attribute and casual attribute; 五谷 the five cereals (rice, two kinds of millet, wheat and beans); 五谷不登 produce bad harvests; 五谷不分 unable to distinguish one kind of grain from another; cannot tell corn from turnips; cannot tell wheat from beans — ignorant of common things; not to know pulse from corn; not to know the difference between the five grains; 五谷丰登 produce good harvests; a bumper grain harvest; a golden [bumper] harvest; an abundant harvest of all crops; The harvests of the five grains were plentiful.; 五谷轮回 reincarnation of the five grains; 五官 {中医} the five sense organs (ears, eyes, lips, nose and tongue); facial features; 五官端正 have regular [correct] features; well-featured; 五光十色 resplendent with variegated coloration; all kinds of...; all sorts of colours; a myriad of varied scenes; (dazzled by) a riot of colors; bright with many colours; different brilliant colors; gay with variegated colors; motley; 五行八作 various small tradesmen; small tradesmen of various kinds; 五行打油诗 limerick; 五好家庭 “five-good” family; five-virtue family; 五好战士 “five-good” fighter; 五合板 five-ply board; 五湖四海 the five lakes and the four seas — everywhere; (from) all corners of the country; all the seas and lakes—everywhere; 五花八门 of a wide [rich] variety; all kinds of; a motley variety of; many and manifold; miscellaneous; multifarious; variegated; 五花大绑 tie one's hands behind his back; 五花龙胆 five-flowered gentian; 五花肉 streaky pork; marbled meat; 五花土 tesselated soil; 五黄六月 the scorching days during the fifth month and sixth month of the lunar calendar; 五极管 {电子} pentode; five-electrode tube; 五级风 {气} force 5 wind; fresh breeze; 五价 {化} pentavalent; pentavalence; 五讲四美 “five stresses and four points of beauty”— requirements for revolutionary culture (The five stresses are: stress on decorum, manners, hygiene, discipline and morals. The four points of beauty are: beauty of the mind, language, behavior and the environment); 五角大楼 the Pentagon; 五角棱镜 {物} pentagonal prism; 五角星 five-pointed star; 五角形 pentagon; 五金 the five metals (gold, silver, copper, iron and tin); metals; hardware; alloy; 五进制 quinary; 五经 the Five Classics (《诗经》 The Book of Songs; 《书经》 The Book of History; 《易经》 The Book of Changes; 《礼记》 the Book of Rites; 《春秋》 The Spring and Autumn Annals); 五经缎纹 crowfoot; 五经魁首 being first on the list of the “Five Classics” examination; 五鸠 a surname; 五局三胜制 {体} best of five games; three out of five sets; 五绝 a four-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme; 五口之家 a family of five; 五劳 {中医} exhaustion or lesion of the five internal organs (heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys); 五痨七伤 infirmities and diseases; 五雷击顶 be struck [killed] by lightning; be struck by thunderbolts; 五里雾 thick fog;
五敛子 {中药} the fruit of carambola; 五零四散 all dispersed; 五陵少年 rich and handsome young men; 五岭 the Five Ridges (across the borders between Hunan and Jiangxi on the one hand and Guangdong and Guangxi on the other); 五鹿 a surname; 五律 an eight-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme; 五马分尸 tear a body limb from limb by five horses — a form of death sentence in ancient times; 五枚花缎 single damask; 五面镜 pentamirror; 五面体 pentahedron; 五内 [书] viscera; 五内沸然 become feverish and restless; 五内俱焚 feeling extremely upset with sorrow; be rent with grief; be stricken with grief and mortification; 五内俱裂 feel one's five internal organs torn with pain; ... as if one's bowels had been cut through; 五年 five years; lustrum;
五七干校 May 7th cadre school; 五禽戏 five animal mimic boxing; 五雀六燕 six of one and half a dozen of the other; about the same; 五日京兆 change from one post to another frequently [in succession]; an official who doesn't expect to remain long in office; 五软 {中医} five weaknesses; 五蕊柳 bay willow; 五卅运动 the May 30th Movement (1925); 五三惨案 May 3rd massacre; 五色带 multi-colored leukorrhea; 五色无主 with one's countenance turning now blue, now pale; be frightened and at a loss; be scared out of one's wits [senses]; lose one's presence of mind; 五色诊 five-colour inspection; 五参 a surname; 五声音阶 {音} five-tone scale; pentatonic scale; 五十 fifty; 五十步笑百步 Those who retreat fifty paces laugh at those who retreat a hundred paces.; One who retreats fifty paces mocks one who retreats a hundred — the pot calls the kettle black.; 五十分之一 fiftieth; 五十五分之一 fifty-fifth; 五世其昌 May the family prosper five generations running!; 五世同堂 five generations alive at the same time; A family of five generations gathered together in the hall.; a family with five generations under one roof; 五水硫酸铜 cupric sulfate pentahydrate; 五四青年节 Youth Day (May 4); 五四运动 the May 4th Movement (1919, an anti-imperialist, anti-feudal, political and cultural movement influenced by the October Revolution and led by intellectuals having the rudiments of Communist ideology); 五胎儿 quintuplets; 五体 {中医} five body constituents (tendon, vessel, muscle, hair and skin, bone); 五体投地 throw oneself down at sb.'s feet in admiration; admire sb. from the bottom of one's heart; kneel at the feet of; on all fours before; prostrate oneself before sb.; prostrate oneself in admiration before; prostrate oneself on the ground; the five members fall prostrate in obeisance — the hands, the knees and the head touching the ground; worship sb.; 五屉橱 chest of drawers; 五天 penthemeron; pentad; 五维空间 quintuple space; {数} five-dimensional space; 五味 the five flavours (sweet, sour, bitter, pungent, and salty); all sorts of flavours; {中医} five tastes; 五味子 {中药} the fruit of Chinese magnolia vine; Schisandra chinensis; 五位制 five digit system; 五弦琴 {音} banjo; quinton; 五线谱 {音} staff; stave; 五香 the five spices (prickly ash, star aniseed, cinnamon, clove and fennel); spices; 五项全能运动 {体} pentathlon; 五小工业 the five small industrial enterprises (producing iron and steel, coal, chemical fertilizer, cement and machinery); “five smalls” (iron and steel, chemical fertilizer, cement, coal pits and machinery); 五心烦热 dysphoria [fever] in chest-palms-soles; 五星红旗 the Five-Starred Red Flag (the national flag of the People's Republic of China); 五星级旅馆 five stars; luxury hotel; hotels of highest quality; de luxe; 五星酒店 five-star hotel; 五星上将 five-star general; 五刑 the five forms of punishment in ancient China; 五行 {中医} the five elements (metal, wood, water, fire and earth, held by the ancients to compose the physical universe and later used in traditional Chinese medicine to explain various physiological and pathological phenomena); 五言七律 poems with five or seven characters to one line; 五言诗 a poem with five characters to a line; 五颜六色 be riotous with colour; all the colours of the rainbow; colourful; motley; multicoloured; of various colours; varicoloured; 五洋捉鳖 seize turtles deep down in the Five Seas; 五氧化二磷 phosphorus pentoxide; phosphoric anhydride; 五氧化物 pentoxide; 五业兴旺 prosperity in farming, forestry, animal husbandry; side-occupations and fishery; 五叶爬山虎 engelmann ivy; 五一国际劳动节 May 1, International Labour Day; May Day; “五一”劳动奖章 May lst Labour Medal; 五音 {音} the five notes of traditional Chinese music; the five notes of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale; 五岳 the Five Mountains (Taishan Mountain 泰山 in Shandong, Hengshan Mountain 衡山 in Hunan, Huashan Mountain 华山 in Shaanxi, Hengshan Mountain 恒山 in Shanxi and Songshan Mountain 嵩山 in Henan); 五月 May; the fifth month of the lunar year; the fifth moon; 五脏 {中医} the five internal organs (heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys); 五脏六腑 the viscera; internal organs of the body (heart, spleen, liver, lungs and kidneys); the entrails; the vital organs of the human body; 五针松 five-leaved pine; 五指 the five fingers (thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring [third] finger and little finger); 五指草 cinquefoil; 五趾跳鼠 five-toed jerboa; 五中 {中医} five organs (heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney); 五中铭感 deeply engraved on one's mind [memory]; 五种经济 five sectors of the economy — the state-owned economy, the state-capitalist economy, capitalist economy, the semi- socialist cooperative economy and the individual economy; 《五种历数全书》 (印度古历) Pancasiddhatika; 五洲四海 all over the world; all parts of the world; the Five Continents and Four seas; 五洲震荡 The Five Continents are rocking.; 五子棋 gobang; {计} five-in- a-row





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