释义 |
高官厚禄gāo guān hòu lùbe highly placed with fat emolument; high position and handsome (/huge)salary; high position with high pay; high posts and generous stipends ❍ 我的帐房先生,不要灰心丧气,振作起来,~很快你就可以到手了!(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》275)Mr Steward,don’t get disheartened. A good paying position is waiting for you!/用金钱美女、~来引诱革命队伍中的渣滓,供他们驱使。(陶承《我的一家》68)All kinds of means were used to entice the weak-kneed in our ranks—money,women,and offers of high official rank—and turn them into their henchmen. ❍ 谁是全心全意为着民族国家而日夜奔波?谁又是享着~,鱼肉人民,而在一块块拍卖自己祖宗世世代代居住的国土?(杨沫《青春之歌》561) The genuine patriots devote themselves heart and soul to serving the people and the state.The frauds hold high office,grind down the people and are selling piecemeal the land where our forebears have lived for generations. ❍ 那满朝文武,平日里~,荫子封妻。(洪昇《长生殿》225) The court officials had high positions and huge salaries and their sons and wives were given titles. 高官厚禄gao guan hou luhigh position and handsome salary 高官厚禄high office and fat salary;high posit ion with great remuneration 高官厚禄ɡāo ɡuān hòu lù禄:俸禄。高贵的官位,丰厚的俸禄。 high position and handsome salary, high position with high pay, high position and a good pay |