[书] ❶(用手指钩着) hook with a finger ❷ (剖; 挖) hollow out: ~ 木为舟 hollow out a tree trunk and make it into a canoe ❸ (劈杀) (usu. of a man on horseback) slash at sb. (with a sword) 另见 see also kuà。
❶ (胳膊弯起来挂住或钩住东西) carry on the arm: 她们 ~ 着胳膊走了出去。 They went off arm in arm. 她胳膊上 ~ 着一只篮子。 She had a basket on her arm. ❷ (把东西挂在肩头、脖颈或腰里) carry sth. over one's shoulder or at one's side: ~ 着照相机 have a camera slung over one's shoulder; 腰 ~ 双剑 carry two swords at the girdle ◆挎包 satchel; haversack