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❶ (气味好闻) fragrant; sweet-smell ̄ ing; aromatic; scented: 稻~ 千里 the fragrance of ripening rice spreading a thousand li; 她一边闻紫罗兰的芳香, 一边说“好 ~ 啊!” She inhaled the violet perfume, saying “How sweet!” 最美的花并非最 ~ 的花。 The handsomest flower is not the sweetest.
❷ (食物味道好) savoury; appetizing: 炒什么菜啊? 好 ~ 呀! Mmm! What's cooking? It smells delicious. 这饭真 ~ ! This rice is really appetizing.
❸ (吃东西胃口好) with relish; with good appetite: 吃得很 ~ eat with relish; enjoy the food; 昨晚没睡好, 吃饭不 ~。 I have no appetite because I didn't sleep well last night.
❹ (睡得踏实) (sleep) soundly: 她睡得正 ~。 She is sleeping soundly.
❺ (受欢迎) popular; welcome: 这种手表在女士中很 ~。 This kind of watch is very popular with ladies. Ⅱ ❶ (香料) perfume or spice: 沉 ~ agalloch eaglewood; 麝 ~ musk; 檀 ~ sandalwood
❷ (用木屑加香料做成的细条) incense; joss stick: 焚 ~ burn incense; 盘 ~ incense coil; 蚊 ~ mosquito-repellent incense
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 云 Xiang Yun
◆香案 a long altar on which incense burners are placed; incense burner table; 香白堇菜 sweet white violet; 香柏 arborvitae; 香槟(酒) [法] champagne; 香波 shampoo; 香菜 coriander; 香草 {植} sweetgrass; (sweet) herb; vanilla; 香茶 scented tea; 香肠 sausage; [英] banger; allant(o); 香车宝马 fragrant carriage and precious horse — the beautiful carriage of women; 香橙 fragrant citrus; orange; 香臭不辨[分] be unable to distinguish fragrance from stench; can't tell stench from perfume; 香椿 {植} (Chinese) toon; Toona sinensis; cedrala sinensis; Chinese mahogany; 香刺柏 incense juniper; 香醋 aromatic vinegar; 香袋 perfume satchel; 香迪饮料 shandy; 香蒂葡萄酒 Chianti; 香酊 aromatin tincture; 香豆醇 tonquinol; 香豆酸 {有化} coumaric acids; 香豆酮 coumarone; benzofuran; 香饵钓鳌 spread an enticing bait to hook the great leviathan; bait one's hook and cast one's line; By baited hook the fish is lured.; hook a fish with a tempting bait; 香芳浓郁 (The rose) has a heavy fragrance.; ... gives off a rich perfume; 香榧 {植} Chinese torreya; Torreya grandis; 香粉 face powder; 香粉之资 woman's pin money; 香蜂草 balm; horsemint; 香蜂花 sweet mary; 香风拂拂 The winds wafted waves of fragrance (to somebody).; 香芙蓉 sweetsultan; 香馥馥 strongly scented; richly fragrant; 香附 rhizoma cyperi; nutgrass flatsedge rhizome; cyperus tuber; flatsedge tuber; Rhizoma Cyperi; 香附子 {植} nut grass; {中药} the rhizome of nutgrass flatsedge; Cyperus rotundus; 香干 smoked bean curd; 香柑 bergamot; bergamot orange; 香港 Hong Kong; 香港特别行政区 the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR); 香港特别行政区基本法 the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;
香膏 pomade; balsams; 香根 cus-cus; 香根草 vetiver; 香菇 xianggu; mushroom; shii-take; lentinus edodes; 香瓜 casaba; cassaba; muskmelon; 香闺绣阁 a lady's chamber; 香果脂 {中药} spicebush oil; Oleum Linderae; 香旱芹白酒 kummel; 香旱芹油 ajawa oil; ajowan oil; 香蒿 abrotanum; southernwood; 香花 fragrant flower; writings, artistic works, etc. that are beneficial to the people; 香花毒草 fragrant flowers and poisonous weeds; 香花供养 offering sacrifice with fragrant flowers; 香花石 hsianghualite; 香化 sweetening treatment; 香灰 incense ashes; 香火 joss sticks and candles burning at a temple; burning joss stick; burning incense; 香火不绝 endless stream of pilgrims; 香火弟兄 sworn brothers; 香家蚁 odorous ant; odorous house ant; 香加皮 {中药} cortex periplocae; 香蕉 banana; [马] pisang; 香界 {宗} Buddhist temples collectively; 香精 essence; resinoid; flavours; 香酒 cordiale; 香橘草 andropogon nardus; 香客 pilgrim; 香苦瓜 balsam pear; 香蜡 pomade; 香辣根 armoracia; 香狸 civet; 香料 perfume; spice; condiment; 香炉 censer; burner; incense burner; 香猫 civetta; 香茅 {植} lemongrass; citronella; 香茅草 lemon-grass; 香莓 flowering raspberry; thimbleberry; 香墨 fragrant ink stick; 香木 incense wood; spicewood; incienso; 香囊 sachet ; perfume satchel; 香柠檬 bergamot; bergamot orange; 香浓可口 aromatic character and agreeable taste; 香糯米 fragrant glutinuous rice; 香喷喷 sweet-smelling; savoury; appetizing; 香皮树 sassafras; 香片 scented tea; 香瓶 smelling bottle; 香蒲 {植} cattail; 香气 sweet smell; frangrance; aroma; 香气芬馥 give off a rare fragrance; 香气扑鼻 feel [smell] a sharp aroma; A sweet smell greets the nose.; fragrance striking the nose; The scent of ... reached one's nose.; The sweet smell of ... strikes the nose.; 香气四溢 suffus ̄ing an exquisite fragrance all around; 香芹 Sheep's-parsley; 香青草 {中药} Chinese pearleverlasting; Herba Anaphalidis; 香球 diapasm; 香肉果 white sapota; 香山柳 white bush; 香树精 amyrin; 香树素 aromadendrin; 香树脂 botany bar gum; resinoids; 香水 toilet water; perfume; wash; fragrance; scent; 香睡莲 beaverroot; 香松树胶 sandarac; sandarach; 香苏散 {中药} Xiangsu San; 香酥鸡 crisp fried chicken; 香梭鱼 red barracuda; 香汤沐浴 wash one's body in water and fragrant essences; take a bath and burn incense in preparation of a solemn prayer; bathe oneself in scented water; 香糖酒 bumbo; 香甜 fragrant and sweet; luscious; soundly; 香豌豆 sweet pea; vetchling; 香味 odour; spiciness; smell; sweet smell; fragrance; scent; perfume; 香腺 scent gland; 香肖楠 bastard cedar; 香消玉殒 The fragrance diminished and the jade perished — death of a pretty woman.; A beauty passed away.; 香辛蔬菜 condiment vegetable; 香雪球 sweetalyssum; alyssum; sweet alison; 香烟 cigarette; [俚] coffin nail; incense smoke; 香烟缭绕 The smoke of incense rose in volutes.; coiling incense smoke; Incense smoke curls up.; The air was heavy with the aromatic perfumes which rose on all sides in spirals of smoke from censers.; 香烟袅袅 curling up in the air like smoke; 香艳 [旧] flowery; of boudoir (i.e. girls or women); (of novels, films, etc.) sexy; 香杨 populus koreana; 香杨梅 sweet gale; 香叶 myrcia; 香蚁 odorous ant; odorous house ant; 香油 pomade; sesame oil; 香鼬 alpine weasel; 香鱼 sweetfish; ayu; Plecoglossus altivelis; 香橼 {植} citron; citrus medica; {中药} citron fruit; 香云纱 {纺} gambiered Guangdong gauze; 香皂 toilet soap; perfumed soap; scented soap; 香獐(子) {动} musk deer; 香脂 face cream; balm; balsam; 香烛 joss sticks and candles; 香子兰 {植} vanilla









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