释义 |
飒爽英姿英姿飒爽sà shuǎng yīng zībright and brave; militant; of valiant and heroic bearing ❍ ~五尺枪,曙光初照演兵场。中华儿女多奇志,不爱红装爱武装。(《毛泽东诗词·七绝 为女民兵题照》) How bright and brave they look,shouldering five-foot rifles|On the parade ground lit up by the first gleams of day.|China’s daughters have high-aspiring minds,|They love their battle array,not silks and satins. 飒爽英姿bright and brave look ~五尺枪,曙光初照演兵场。(毛泽东诗《为女民兵题照) How bright and brave they look,shouldering five-foot rifles; On the parade ground lit up by the first gleams of day. (Mao Zedong’s poem Militia Women—Inscription on a Photo) 飒爽英姿英姿飒爽sà shuǎnɡ yīnɡ zī飒爽:矫健、神采焕发的样子;英姿:英勇威武豪迈的姿态。形容意气风发、威武豪迈的姿态。bright and brave, valiant and heroic in bearing, bold and brave |