释义 |
天真烂漫tiān zhēn làn màninnocent and artless;simple and unaffected; childlike; as innocent as a lamb; lamblike ❍ 磨练你的才干,保你~。(《周恩来青年时代诗选·别李愚如并示述节》34) Develop your skill,|Keep your innocence; …/园中那些女孩子,正是混沌世界~之时,坐卧不避,嬉笑无心,那里知宝玉此时的心事?(《红楼梦》269) Most of the Garden’s inmates were innocent,ingenuous girls who laughed and romped all day long without any inhibitions,quite unaware of his feelings. ❍ 青年应当~,非如她们的阴沉,她们却以为中邪了; …… (鲁迅《坟》219) Girls should be innocent and cheerful,unlike those morbid old maids who think them depraved. ❍ 金小姐用青年女郎~的态度来掩饰骨底里的不很自然。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》196) Miss Jin tried to hide the uneasiness she felt in her bones beneath a girlish naivety and charm. 天真烂漫innocent and artless;simple and unaffected 天真烂漫tiān zhēn làn màn天真:心地单纯,不造作虚伪;烂漫:坦率自然。原指纯真自然,不虚伪造作;现多形容少年儿童心地单纯,善良直率。have stars in one’s eyes, like a lamb, innocent and artless, simple and unaffected, childlike innocence |