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单词 风花雪月

风花雪月fēng huā xuě yuè

wind,flowers,snow and moon—referring originally to the subject matter typical of certain types of literary works and later to the effete and sentimental writings in general;flowery language
❍ 小弟常见前辈批语,有些~的字样,被那些后生们看见,便要想到诗词歌赋那条路上去,便要坏了心术。(《儒林外史》166) I often read the old masters’ annotations,and when they are in flowery language they remind us of odes or elegies,and the content is likely to have a bad influence on later scholars.
❍ 因帮了一个生铁王员外儿子使钱,每日三瓦两舍,~。(《水浒全传》 11) He lived in the house of an official nicknamed Raw Iron,and there he helped the official’s son to waste money. Every day they wasted money in small towns and in houses of ill repute such as men call “Wind,Flowers,Snow,Moonlight.”

风花雪月feng hua xue yue

wind,flowers,snow and the moon—referring originally to certain types of literary works and later to effete and sentimental writings in general

风花雪月fēnɡ huā xuě yuè

原指一年四季的自然景色。现多指浮华空泛的诗文。wind, flower, snow and moon-referring originally to certain types of feudal literary works and later to effect and sentimental writing in general





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