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❶ (消化器官的一部分) stomach: 洗 ~ wash out the stomach; ~ 痛 have a pain in the stomach; 她吃得太多, 伤了 ~。 She injured her stomach by eating too much.
❷ (二十八宿之一) Wei, one of the lunar mansions
◆胃癌 gastric cancer; cancer of the stomach; gastric carcinoma; 胃变位 gastrokateixia; 胃病 gastrosia; gastrosis; stomach trouble; gastric disease; 胃肠 stomach intestine; 胃肠道 gastrointestinal tract; 胃肠炎 gastroenteritis; 胃成形术 gastroplasty; 胃出血 gastrorrhagia; 胃穿孔 gastric perforation; stomach perforation; 骨蛋白酶 {生理} pepsase; pepsin; pepsinum; 胃蛋白细胞 pepsinogen; 胃毒 stomach toxicity; 胃复康 benactyzine; 胃腹膜炎 exogastritis; gastroperitonitis; 胃肝炎 gastrohepatitis; 胃鼓胀 gastrotympanites; 胃固定术 gastropexy; 胃管 stomach tube; 胃寒 stomach cold; 胃火 stomach fire; 胃疾病 gastric disease; 胃镜 gastroscope; 胃痉挛 gastro spasm; 胃口 appetite; belly; liking; 胃溃烂 gastrelcobrosis; 胃溃疡 gastric ulcer; gastrohelcosis; gastrohelcoma; 胃扩张 dilatation of the stomach; gastrectasia; gastrectasis; 胃瘘 gastric fistula; 胃酶 {生化} gastric enzyme; 胃粘膜 gastric mucosa; 胃粘膜炎 esogastritis; 胃排空时间 gastric emptying time; 胃破裂 gastric rupture; rupture gastrorrhexis; 胃气 stomach Qi; 胃切除术 gastrectomy; 胃切开术 gastrotomia; gastrotomy; 胃轻痛 gastrypalgia; 胃区 gastric area; 胃热 stomach heat; 胃神经 nervus gastrica; stomatogastric nerve; stomogastric nerve; 胃渗血 gastrostaxis; 胃失和降 stomach Qi rising; 胃十二指肠(的) gastroduodenal; 胃石 gastric calculus; gastrolith; 胃舒平 {药} gastropine; 胃酸 {生化} gastric acid; hydrochloric acid in gastric juice; 胃痛 stomachache; dyspepsodynia; gastralgia; 胃萎缩 lipogastry; 胃下垂 ptosis of the stomach; bathygastry; bathygastria; gastroptosis; gastroka ̄ teixia; ventroptosis; 胃纤维窥镜 gastrofiberscope; 胃腺 {生理} gastric gland; 胃消化障碍 gastricism; 胃炎 gastritis; 胃液 succus gastricus; gastric juice; 胃与十二指肠溃疡 gastroduodenal ulcer; 胃(膨)胀 gasteremphraxis


~癌 carcinoma of stomach;gastric carcinoma/~病gastropathy/~出血gastric haemorrhage;gastrorrhagia/~穿孔gastric (or stomach)perforation/~溃疡gastric ulcer/~扩张dilatation of the stomach;gastrectasis/~气胀bloating/~切除术gastrectomy/~酸gastric acid/~痛stomachache; gastralgia/~萎缩gastratrophia/~下垂gastroptosis/~腺gastric gland/~腺炎gastradenitis/~炎gastritis/~液gastric juice/~液腺peptic glands/~灼热heartburn







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