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单词 颠倒黑白

颠倒黑白diān dǎo hēi bái

a reversal of black and white; call black white; call white black; confound(/juggle/transpose) black and white; confuse(/reverse) right and wrong; distort facts; give false account of the true facts; pass off black as white;prove (/swear) that black is white; stand facts on their heads; turn (/talk) black into white; turn facts (/matters/everything/things) upside down
❍ 校长,您是一向主张公道的,请问您来给我们念这种~的训令是什么意思?(杨沫《青春之歌》602) You talk about fair play,President Jiang. Then why are you reading this order which tries to turn black into white?


confound black and white;turn black into white;confuse right and wrong;stand the facts on their heads

颠倒黑白diān dǎo hēi bái

把黑的说成白的,把白的说成黑的。比喻故意歪曲事实,混淆是非。confound black and white, confuse right and wrong, distort facts, call white black, swear black is white, talk black into white





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