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(人名用字) a word used in a person's name:冒 ~ Modu
另见 see also dùn。


❶ (稍停;停顿) pause;halt;stop:他 ~ 了一下,又接着往下说。 After a short pause,he went on.
❷ (书法上指用力使笔着纸而暂不移动) (in Chinese calligraphy) pause in writing in order to reinforce the beginning or ending of a stroke:~ 笔 make a pause for breath in writing
❸ (头叩地) touch the ground (with one's head)
❹ (脚跺地) stamp (one's foot):~ 脚 stamp one's foot
❺ (处理;安置) arrange;settle:安 ~ arrange for;help settle down Ⅱ (疲乏) fatigued;tired:劳 ~ tired out;exhausted Ⅲ (立刻;忽然) suddenly;immediately:~ 悟 suddenly realize the truth,etc. attain enlightenment;
茅塞 ~ 开 be suddenly enlightened Ⅳ (用于吃饭、斥责、劝说、打骂等行为的次数):挨了一 ~ 骂 get a scolding;
说了他一 ~ give him a dressing down;
一天三 ~ 饭 three meals a day Ⅴ (姓氏) a surname:~ 琦 Dun Qi
另见 see also dú。
◆顿挫 (语调、音律等停顿转折) pause and transition in rhythm or melody;{医} (病势的顿挫;顿挫疗法) abortion;ectrosis;
顿号 a slight-pause mark used to set off items in a series;punctuation mark (、) used between parallel words or short phrases;the caesura sign “、”placed between several proper names;
顿河 the Don River;
顿开茅塞 suddenly to see the light;become enlightened at once;I'm suddenly enlightened (by your words).;Now all obstructions have disappeared,and I see quite clearly.;open one's mind to ideas (fresh and new,etc.);(Your words) open up [indicate;show] the road clearly.;remove the block;
顿时 immediately;suddenly;at once;forthwith;in a short space;
顿首 make ceremonious nod;
顿悟 insight;
顿足 stamp one's feet;
顿足捶胸 stamp one's feet and beat one's breast;stamp one's feet and pound one's chest;
顿钻 {机} percussion drilling;American system drill;cable-system drill;churn drill





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