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❶ (挥动; 抡) move backward and forward; swing: ~ 鞭子 crack a whip; ~ 胳膊 swing one's arms; 小女孩一跑, 辫子就来回 ~ 动。 The girl's pigtails swing to and fro as she runs.
❷ (用甩的动作往外扔) throw; fling; toss: ~ 手榴弹 throw hand grenades; 那个男学生打开门, 把他的书包 ~ 了进去。 The school boy opened the door and flung his satchel in.
❸ (抛开) leave sb. behind; throw off; desert; reject: ~ 掉尾巴 throw off a pursuer [tail]; 那个罪犯企图 ~ 掉追捕他的警察。 The criminal tried to fling off the police. 她把好了两年的对象给 ~了。 She deserted her boyfriend she had dated for two years. 他加快速度, 不一会就把别的运动员都 ~ 在后头了。 Quickening his pace, he soon left all the other runners behind. 她一旦变富就把所有的老朋友都 ~ 了。 As soon as she became rich she cast aside all her old friends.
◆甩车 {铁道} uncouple a railway coach from the locomotive; uncouple;
甩掉 throw away; cast off;
甩开膀子 have a big go; go all out; set to; go (at sth.) with a free-hand [free-handed]; get into the swing of one's work; cast away all restraint and have one's full swing;
甩卖 a clearance sale; sale at a reduced price; disposal of goods at reduced prices; markdown sale; reduction sale;
甩手 swing one's arms; refuse to do; wash one's hand of





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