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Ⅰ ❶ (笼子) cage; coop: 鸟 ~ birdcage; 鸡 ~ chicken coop; 囚 ~ cage for prisoners
❷ (笼屉) steamer: 蒸 ~ steamer for steaming food; 刚出 ~ 的肉包子 meat-filled buns fresh from the food steamer
❸ (筐; 篮) basket: 竹 ~ bamboo basket Ⅱ [方] (把手放在袖筒里) put each hand in the opposite sleeve
另见 see also lǒnɡ。
◆笼鸟 cageling; cage bird; 笼屉 bamboo or wooden utensil for steaming food; food steamer; 笼头 headstall; halter; 笼形 cage type; 笼养 cage culture; 笼子 cage; coop; basket; container; 笼嘴 muzzle


(笼罩) cover; envelop: 烟 ~ 雾罩 be enveloped [hidden] in mist; 暮色 ~ 住了大地。Spreading shades of dusk cover the earth. Ⅱ (笼子) bamboo trunk or case; large box or chest
另见 see also lónɡ。
◆笼括 encompass; seize all; 笼络 win sb. over by any means; befriend sb. with an ulterior intention; draw over; rope in; 笼络人心 win (over) the people's support; cultivate people's good will (by dispensing charity, favours, etc.); cultivate popularity; try to win the people's support by hook or by crook; win the hearts of the people, enlist their sympathy or gain popular support presumably with an ulterior motive; 笼统 general; sweeping; indistinct; ambiguous; 笼罩 envelop; shroud; 笼子 a large box or chest; trunk





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