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单词 often
释义 often /'ofn US: 'afn; '2fsn/.a/v of frequency (usu occupying mid-position (ie with the v); may occupy front-position or end-position for emphasis (esp when modified by very or, quite), or for contrast; comp and sup either ~er, ~ esf, or more ~, most ~.)(通常置于句子中间,即与动词连用; 亦可置于句首或句末,作加强语气用,尤其被 very 或 quite 所修饰时,或作对比用; 比较级或最高级可写为 ~er, ~ est 或 more ~,most ~。) 1 many times; in a large proportion of the instances: 时常; 常常:昨 ~ go there. 我们常常去那儿。 We have ~ been there. 我们时常去那儿。 We've been there quite ~. 我们经常到灰见去。 It very ~ rains here in April. 这儿四月间经常下雨。 2 (in phrases) (在片语中) how ~ : 多少时候一次; 多久一次: How ~ do the buses run? 公车多久有一班? as ~ as. each time that: 每一次: As as I tried to ring him the line was engaged. 每次我想打电话给他,总是有人在讲话。 as ~ as not; more ~ than not, very frequently: 常常; 极常; 屡屡: During foggy weather the trains are late more ~ than not. 寿雾的时候火车常常误点。 every so ~, from time to time. 时时。 once too ~, once more than is wise, safe, etc: 又一次; 再一次; 次数太多(即超过明智、安全等的限度,而发生问题): He exceeded the speed limit once too ~ and was fined £50. 他又一次超速,被罚了五十英镑。




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