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单词 包藏祸心

包藏祸心bāo cáng huò xīn

calculate ill will;entertain rebellious schemes in mind; harbour evil intentions; harbour ill (/malicious) intent;harbour ulterior motives; have sinister motives; hide in one’s breast an evil mind;hide a malicious (/an evil)intent (under a fair countenance); be malevolent (/malicious/malign/malignant); have an ulterior object in view;replete with the intention to do sb in(/harm sb/bring sb into catastrophe); spitefully;with one’s wicked design; with ulterior motives
❍ 将恃大国之安靖己,而无乃~以图之。(《左传·昭元年》)Meaning to confide in your great State’s desire to secure its repose and quiet,and you,on the contrary,having hid in your breasts an evil mind to scheme against it,…/前在长安,见安禄山面有反相,知其~,不想圣上命彼出镇范阳,分明纵虎归山。(洪昇《长生殿》163) When I was in the capital I saw that An Lushan looked like a rebel and knew that he was plotting mischief;but then the emperor suddenly sent him to command Fanyang—this is like letting the tiger go back to the mountain.
❍ 考其生平,以大勋章作扇坠,临总统府之门,大诟袁世凯的~者,并世无第二人……(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—214) When we consider his career,what other man of his generation dared to dangle his big medal on his fan,and go to the president’s house to curse Yuan Shikai’s treachery?

包藏祸心bāo cánɡ huò xīn

心里藏着坏主意。harbour evil intentions, harbour malicious intent, calculate ill will, spitefully





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