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单词 顺我者昌,逆我者亡

顺我者昌,逆我者亡顺者昌,逆者亡/顺之者存,违之者灭shùn wǒ zhě chāng , nì wǒ zhě wáng

〔said of the brutal rule of a tyrant〕 those who submit(/obey/bow/are obedient) will prosper (flourish/thrive),those who resist shall perish (/be doomed)
❍ 探春虽不言语,心里想道:“必非好兆。大凡顺者昌,逆者亡; 草木知运,不时而发,必是妖孽。”(《红楼梦》1223) Tanchun remained silent,thinking,“It can’t be a good omen. All living things which obey Heaven’s will must prosper,while all which flout it must die—even plants know that. So unseasonable blossom must be an evil omen.”/卓怒叱曰: “顺我者生,逆我者死!” (《三国演义》26) Zhuo glared at him.“There is life for those who are with me,death for those against,”roared he.
❍ 这个攻击的形势,简直是急风暴雨,顺之者存,违之者灭。(《毛泽东选集》14) In force and momentum the attack is tempestuous,those who bow before it survive and those who resist perish.
❍ 为了保住自己的权威和尊严,什么至亲骨肉,外戚内臣,一律~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》7) Whether it was her own flesh and blood,her in-laws or palace officials,the same principle applied: those who obeyed her flourished and those who crossed her were doomed.

顺我者昌,逆我者亡shun wo zhe chang,ni wo zhe wang

those who submit will prosper; those who resist shall perish

顺我者昌,逆我者亡shùn wǒ zhě chānɡ ,nì wǒ zhě wánɡ

顺:顺从;昌:昌盛;逆:违背;亡:灭亡。顺从“我”的就能昌盛,违抗“我”的就会遭到灭亡。those who submit will prosper, those who resist shall perish





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