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单词 青梅竹马

青梅竹马qīng méi zhú mǎ

green plums and a bamboo horse—a girl and a boy playing innocently together; childhood sweethearts; the period when a boy and a girl grew up together
❍ 妾发初覆额,折花门前剧。郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅。(李白《长干行》)I would play,plucking flowers by the gate;|My hair scarcely covered my forehead,then.|You would come,riding on your bamboo horse,|And loiter about the bench with green plums for toys.
❍ 不论是几十年的患难夫妻,还是~的对对恋人,人们的信仰,人们的道德,人们的思想,人们的感情,一切的一切,全都经受了严峻的考验。(宗福先 《于无声处》) Married couples,childhood sweethearts,one’s beliefs,morals,ideology and feelings,all underwent a harsh trial.

青梅竹马qing mei zhu ma

green plums and a bamboo horse—a girl and a boy playing innocently together

青梅竹马qing mei zhu ma

green plums and a bamboo horse (used to describe the scene of a girl and a boy playing innocently together)


green plums and a bamboo horse—a girl and a boy playing innocently together;childhood playmates

青梅竹马qīnɡ méi zhú mǎ

青梅:青青的梅子;竹马:小孩用竹竿骑在裆下做马。形容男女儿童天真无邪,在一起玩耍。playmates in childhood, the games of childhood





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