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单词 job
释义 job2 /djob; djab/ vt, vi 1 [VP2A] c1 above; do odd jobs: 做零工; 做散工 (参看 job ,第 a jobbing gardener, one who works for several employers and is paid by the hour/day; 做零工的园丁; a jobbing printer, one who prints leaflets, posters, etc. 印刷散页印刷品之商人。 2 [VP6A] (on the Stock Exchange) act as a broker; buy, sell (stocks and shares) for others. 做股票经纪; 代客买卖 (公债,股票) 。 3 [VP2A, 14] (colloq) use a position of trust for private advantage or for the benefit of one's friends: (俗) 假公济私; 利用公职为己或为友人谋利; 以假公济私的手段牟利: He jobbed his brother into a well-paid post. 他假公济私为他哥哥 (弟弟) 找到一个待遇很存的工作。 jobber n 1 dealer in Stock Exchange securities. 股票经纪人。 broker. 2 person who jobs (1). 做散工舍。 3 person who jobs (3). 假公济私的人。 job-bery /'ckzvdsri; '6zobsii/ n [U] jobbing; (esp) use of unfair means to gain private advantage. 徇私舞弊; 假公济私。




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