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单词 雷声大,雨点小

雷声大,雨点小léi shēng dà , yǔ diǎn xiǎo

loudthunder but small raindrops—much said but little done; more squeak than wool; much cry and little wool; much talk,little action; all talk,no cider
❍ 不要和他争长论短,老李是~,……(杜鹏程《保卫延安》272) Don’t drag this thing out with him. Jiangguo is a lot of thunder but not much rain.
❍ 写完题目,就有些踌躇,怕空话多于本文,就是俗话之所谓“~”。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—211) Having put down this title,I rather hesitate for fear lest empty talk preponderate over the main subject—what is usually known as “Loud thunder but little rain.”

雷声大,雨点小lei sheng da,yu dian xiao

loud thunder but small raindrops—much said but little done


loud thunder and small raindrops; much said but little done; loud thunders followed by little rain; an empty barrel makes biggest sound; much cry and little wool
他的计划~。His program is a combination of sweeping gestures and small steps.

雷声大,雨点小léi shēnɡ dà,yǔ diǎn xiǎo

比喻只说不做,虚张声势;也比喻说得很好或计划得很详细,但无实际行动。much cry and little wool, much said but little done, all talk and no action





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