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单词 bate


n. debate. discord,strife,quarrel争论,不和,争斗,口角。
△2H.IV.2.4.271 (249): “and breeds no batewith telling of discreet stories;”他讲起故事来总是一本正经,不会惹出什么争斗。


1. abate,deduct,diminish,remit减少,扣除,缩减,免除。
△ Ado.2.3.194(176):“rather than she will bate onebreath of her accustomed crossness.”也不愿把她平素的别扭脾气减去一分一毫。
bate me some: abate me something,grant me a dis-count,subtract something from my debt to you减少我一点,给我打个折扣,减去我欠你的一些债务。
△2H.IV.Epil.16(14): “Bate me some. and I will pay you some.and,as most debtors do,promise you infinitely.”请给我打个折扣,我就偿还你们一部分,再像大多数债务人一样,给你们作出无限的许诺。
2. diminish,weaken,reduce in weight缩减削弱,减轻体重。
△Mer.3.3.32: “These griefs and losses have sobated me/That I shall hardly spare a pound of flesh/Tomorrow to my bloody creditor.”这些悲哀和损失已经使我消瘦许多,我明天恐怕很难得冉割一磅肉给我那狠心的债主了。
△Mer.4.1.71:“Youmay as well go stand upon the beach/And bid themain flood bate his usual height;”你就像站在海滩上,叫那大海的怒涛不要涨到它平常的高度。
4. moderate,weaken,diminish 节制,削弱,缩减。
△H.Ⅴ.3.2.27(25):“Good bawcock,bate thy rage;use lenity,sweet chuck!”好人儿,请平息一下你的狂怒吧;请宽大一点吧,亲爱的好朋友!
5. blunt,dull弄钝,使迟钝。
△L.L.L.1.1.6:“bate hisscythe’s keen edge,”锉钝时间的镰刀的利刃。
1.diminish in weight or energy,waste away减少体重或精力,消瘦。
△1H.Ⅳ.3.3.2:“Do I not bate?”我没有憔悴吗?
2. (term from falconry)beat or flap the wings(驯鹰术语)拍打翅膀,扑闪翅膀。
△1H.Ⅳ.4.1.98:“that with thewind/Bated like eagles having lately bathed,”(withthe wind:in the wind.)像新浴后的猎鹰拍打着翅膀。(按:with又作wing,飞越;bated又作baited= refreshed,恢复精神。)
bate and beat: flap and flutter the wings impatiently扑打翅膀。
△Shr.4.1.198(195):“as we watch thesekites/That bate and beat and will not be obedient.”就像我们熬练那些乱拍打翅膀而不肯服从的鹞子一般。
3.❶flap the wings,flutter(鸟)拍动翅膀,振翼。
❷dwin-kle,diminish 缩小,减少。
△H.Ⅴ.3.7. 126(111):“’Tisa hooded valour,and when it appears,it will bate.”i.e. ❶His valour is hidden as a hawk is blindfoldedby a hood; when the hawk is unhooded. it flaps itswings.
❷when the Dauphin’s valour shows itself inthe battlefield,it rapidly dwindles. 那是一种蒙头盖脸的勇敢,就像猎鹰一样,头罩掀开,它就扑扑翅膀,飞了! (双关:这种勇敢一到战场上露面,就缩小了。)


v. 抑制,减少
◇ bate one’s breath 屏住呼吸
with bate breath屏住气息地





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