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单词 board
board/bɔ:d, AmE bɔ:rd/ n v [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n (1) 木板 (long thin flat piece of cut wood used for building walls floors boats etc)[C]:saw the~in half.把木板锯成两半;The windows had~s nailed across them.窗户封上了木板。

(2) 板(牌)(flat piece of hard material used for a specific purpose)[C] (构成合成词):a notice-~布告牌;a sign~招牌;an ironing-~熨衣板;a diving-~跳水板;a bread~切面包砧板;a black~黑板;a chopping~/cutting~砧板;write sth on a~在牌子上写……;

(3) (棋)盘(flat surface marked with patternsetc used for playing a (stated) game on)[C]:a chess~/checker~(AmE)/draught-~(BrE) 国际象棋棋盘/西洋跳棋棋盘/西洋跳棋棋盘;Chess and draughts are~games.国际象棋和跳棋是在棋盘上玩的游戏。

(4) 硬纸板 (sheet of thick stiff material (sometimes covered with cloth) used for binding books) [C,通常pl]:a book bound in cloth~s 一本硬布面的书;

(5) 包伙食(费) ((cost of) daily meals (in rented accommodation)) [U]:pay (£20 a week) for~and lodging (每周)付食宿费(20英镑);How much is bed/room and~? 食宿费用是多少? have free~吃饭不花钱;give good~提供很好的伙食;〖同〗meals;

(6) 董(理)事会,委员会 (official group of people controlling or administering a company or other organization; committee; council) [C GP]:the coal/gas/electricity/water/editorial~煤炭/煤气/电力/用水/编辑委员会;be elected to/join/have a seat on/be on the~of a company 被选为一家公司的董事/加入一家公司的董事会/在一家公司的董事会占有一个席位/是一家公司的董事会成员;a workers' representative on the B~董事会中的工人代表;the school's~of directors校董事会;the~of governors (of a school) 校董事会; a~meeting董事会会议;〖同〗council, committee;

(be) above board (交易)光明正大:Their dealings/deals have been above~. 他们的交易/交易一直是光明正大的。

on board 在船(飞机,车)上:go/come/get on~(the train/the aircraft/the ship) 上(火车/飞机/船);be (stay) on~a liner/the Princess在(呆在)班轮/“公主号”上; have a pleasant time on~在船(飞机/车)上过得很愉快;

→a′board adv & prep 在船(飞机,车)上;上船(飞机,车); ′boarding n 木板(建造物); ′boardroom n 董事会会议室;′boardwalk n 海滩上木板铺成的散步用路面;′cardboard n 硬纸板;′hardboard n 硬质纤维板;

v (1) 铺上木板(close with boards)[T+n T+n+adv(up/over)]:a~ed floor铺了木板的地面;~the windows up 用木板把窗户钉上;~up a hole 用木板把洞堵上;

(2) 包食宿(receive or provide with meals as well as lodging for payment)[I I+prep(at/with), T+n]:~with a friend/at a friend's house在一个朋友处/朋友家包食宿;~students/holiday-makers 给学生/度假者提供食宿;~out不在住所包伙;~sb out 在工作单位(学校)外提供食宿;

(3) 登(上)船(飞机,车等)(get on to (a ship a train an aircraft a bus etc)) [T+n]:Please~the plane/the train/the bus/the ship immediately.请立即登机/上火车/上汽车/上船。Flight FA146 for London is now~ing.法航146次飞往伦敦的航班现在可以登机了。The pirates~ed the ship.海盗爬上了那艘船。~ing card/pass 登机(船)证;〖同〗enter,get on;〖反〗leave;

→′boarder n 搭伙者(房客);寄宿学校学生;′boarding n 膳宿;′boarding-house n 提供食宿的房子;′boarding-school n 寄宿学校





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