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单词 零敲碎打

零敲碎打零打碎敲líng qiāo suì dǎ

adopt a piecemeal approach; do sth. bit by bit; in bits and pieces/“他做得干脆,不~,一斩齐地都来了。”有人佩服。(周立波《山乡巨变》107)"“He does things in a clean cut way,not in bits and pieces; the whole lot of them have come," another person also expressed admi ration.
❍ 什么时候再闹它个分割包围呀?老这么零打碎敲的,克拉克那小子觉不着痛的! (杨佩瑾《剑》 5 ) When are we going to cut through the enemy's lines and encircle them? Day in day out always this same piecemeal way. That's not going to cause Clark any pain.


do sth bit by bit,off and on; adopt a piecemeal approach(亦作零打碎敲)
这个问题靠~是解决不了的。A piecemeal approach won’t do (or is not the answer).or:The question can’t be resolved in a fragmentary manner.

零敲碎打línɡ qiāo suì dǎ

比喻做事零零碎碎、断断续续。do sth. bit by bit, off and on, adopt a piecemeal approach





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