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单词 下笔成章

下笔成章xià bǐ chéng zhāng

when one sets brush to paper,it turns into an essay; write quickly
❍ 植跪曰: “出言为论,~,顾当面试,奈何倩人?”(刘义庆《世说新语·文学》) Falling on his knees,Zhi replied,“When I utter words,they become a treatise; when I set brush to paper,it turns into an essay. Look for yourself,and try me to my face; why should I be a plagiarist?”/这位青年作家文思敏捷,~。The young writer has a ready pen and can write very quickly.

下笔成章xia bi cheng zhang

whatever one writes turns into a fine essay

下笔成章xià bǐ chénɡ zhānɡ

一动笔就写成文章。形容文思敏捷。write articles very quickly, it turns into an essay, have a ready pen





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