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(从云层中降向地面的水) rain: 暴 ~ torrential rain; rainstorm; 避 ~ seek shelter from the rain; 大 ~ heavy rain; 及时 ~ timely [welcome] rain; 雷 ~ thunderstorm; 毛毛 ~ drizzle; 大 ~ 滂沱。 The rain is coming down in sheets. 大 ~ 倾盆。 The rain is pelting down.; It rains cats and dogs. 大 ~ 如注。 The rain came down in torrents. 瓢泼大 ~ 猛烈地下起来。 The rain commenced pouring violently down. 下 ~ 啦! Here comes the rain! ~ 停了。 The rain has stopped.; It has rained over. ~ 下了整整一个星期。 It has rained all the week.
另见 see also yù。
◆雨暴 rainstorm; 雨布 waterproof cloth; waterproof; 雨层云 nimbostratus (Ns); 雨滴 {气} raindrop; 雨点 raindrop; 雨刮刷[器] windshield wiper; 雨过地皮湿 do sth. superficially; 雨过天晴 After rain the sky looks blue.; Difficult period gives way to bright future.; Sunshine followed the rain.; The sun shines again after the rain.; 雨海 Mare Imbrium; 雨后春笋 bamboo shoots after a spring rain; like mushrooms after rain; 雨后送伞 give an untimely help; come and offer to help when the work's all done; give sb. an umbrella after the rain is over; 雨季 rainy season; monsoon; wet-season; massica (热带); wet spell; 雨具 rain gear; 雨量 rainfall; hyetal; 雨林 {生态} rainforest; 雨露 rain and dew; favour; grace; bounty; 雨帽 rainhat; raincap; hood; 雨幕 rain curtain; 雨棚 rainshed; canopy; platform awning; 雨前 a kind of green tea, picked Grain Rain (about mid-April); 雨伞 umbrella; 雨水 rainwater; rainfall; rain; Rain Water (2nd solar term); 雨蛙 {脊椎} tree frog; tree toad; hylid; 雨鞋 rainshoes; galoshes; 雨靴 oiled or rubber boots for wet weather; galoshes; 雨燕 swift; 雨衣 raincoat; waterproof; 雨意 signs of approaching rain; 雨云 nimbus; water carrier; rain cloud

[书] (下雨、雪等) (of rain, snow, etc.) fall; rain: ~ 雪 snow falls
另见 see also yǔ。

大~ heavy rain;drenching rain; rain very hard/倾盆大~pouring rain;downpour;torrential rain;rain cats and dogs/暴风~storm;tempest/雷~thunderstorm/小~gentle (or slight)rain /细~ drizzle/及时~ welcome(or timely)rain/阵~shower/热带季风~monsoon rain/~夹雪sleet





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