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单词 退


❶ (向后移动) retreat; draw back; move back: 后 ~ draw back; fall back; retreat; 进 ~ 两难 difficult to advance or to retreat; 敌人已经 ~ 了。 The enemy has retreated. 她往后 ~ 了几步。 She stepped back a few paces.; She backed up several steps.
❷ (使向后移动) cause to move back; remove; withdraw: ~ 敌 repulse the enemy; 把子弹 ~ 出来 remove a cartridge from the breech of a gun; unload a gun
❸ (退出) quit; withdraw from: ~ 伙 withdraw from a mess; ~ 学 quit school
❹ (减退; 下降) recede; ebb; decline: ~ 汗 arrest perspiration; 洪水 ~ 了。 The floodwater receded. 他的烧已经 ~了。 His fever has dropped.
❺ (颜色变淡) fade: 各种颜色 ~ 得分不清了。 The colours fade into one another.
❻ (退还) give back; return: ~ 钱 refund; ~ 回原主 return to the sender; 空瓶不 ~。 Empty bottles are not refundable.
❼ (撤销已定的事) cancel; rescind; break off: ~ 合同 rescind a contract; ~ 亲 break off an engagement
◆退币机构 refund mechanism; 退避 withdraw and keep off; keep out of the way; 退避三舍 retreat about thirty miles as a condition for peace; avoid ... like a plague; give one a wide berth; give way to sb. to avoid a conflict; keep a good distance from sb.; keep at arm's length; keep sb. at a pole's length; keep three marches distant from sb.; retreat ninety li; (be prepared) to give way to sb. else; 退避所 castle; 退避贤路 retreat from the path of worthies — to yield one's post to a virtuous talent; 退变 regression; 退兵 retreat; withdrawal; force the enemy to retreat; 退步 lag behind; fall behind; retrogress; room for manoeuvre; leeway; 退场 walk-off; bow out with; 退潮 ebb tide; ebb; fall of tide; falling tide; 退出 withdraw from; bow out; secede; quit; 退辞面谈 exit interview; 退党 withdraw from a political party; 退敌 repulse the enemy; drive back the enemy; 退佃 cancel a tenancy; 退而求其次 have to take [put up with; be content with] the second best; be left with nothing better than the second choice; have no alternative [option] but to give up one's (first) preference; seek what is less attractive than one's original objective; 退废政策 retirement policy; 退稿 send back the manuscript; 退耕还林 return the grain plots to forestry; 退耕还牧 return the grain plots to husbandry;
退耕还渔 return the grain plots to fishery ponds; 退股 withdrawal; withdraw share; retirement; 退关 shut out; 退后 give back; back; fall behind; step back; 退化 become vestigial; degenerate; deteriorate; retrograde; devolution; retrogradation; retrogression; retroversion; regression; involution; degeneration; degenerescence; degeneracy; cataplasia; catagenesis; atresia; 退还 return; give back; 退换 exchange [replace] a purchase; 退回 return; send back; give back; go back; retreat; 退婚 break off an engage ̄ ment; annul engagement for marriage; 退伙 cancel an arrangement to eat at a mess; withdraw from a mess; 退火 {冶} anneal; annealing; back-out; 退货 return of goods; returned purchase; cancel the orders; goods rejected; 退居 retire; 退居次位 take a back seat; 退居二线 resign [retire] from a leading post;leave the leading post; 退居幕后 retire backstage; 退据一隅 withdraw into a corner; 退款 drawback; refund; reimburse; 退款道歉 return the money and apologize; 退路 route of retreat; room for manoeuvre;leeway; a way of escape; 退赔 return what one has unlawfully taken or pay compensation for it; pay compensation; restitute; 退票 return a ticket; get a refund for a ticket; 退坡儿 step back; go backwards; fall off; backslide; 退亲 break off a marital engagement; 退却 {军} retreat; withdraw; hang back; shrink back; flinch; 退让 make a concession; yield; give in; 退让贤路 retire and give room to better men; let abler men take one's place; yield one's post to better men [a virtuous talent]; 退热 abatement of fever; bring down a fever; 退色 fade in colour; fade; fading; 退烧 bring down a fever; 退守 retreat and stand on the defensive; 退水 water- break; 退税 {经} tax reimbursement; drawback; refund of duty; drawback for duties paid; 退思补过 think of ... after retiring and amend errors; 退速 back speed; 退缩 shrink back; flinch; cower; hold(-)back; anastole; recession; 退团 withdraw from the Youth League; give up League membership; 退位 back space; give up the throne; abdicate; 退无可退 be left with no room for retreat; There is no place to retreat to.; 退伍 retire or be discharged from active military service; be demobilized; leave the army; 退吸 desorption; 退席 leave a banquet; walk out; leave a meeting; 退下 back-off; 退闲 [书] be free from office duties; be retired; 退行 {气} retrogres ̄ sion; regression; 退省吾身 retire and consider oneself; 退休 retire; 退休金 retirement pay; old-age pension; retired pay; retirement pension; pension; retirement annuity; 退休心理 psychological state of the retired; 退学 leave school; discontinue one's schooling; drop out; 退押 return a deposit; return deposits to tenants in the land reform; reduction of deposits; returning security money; 退一步, 进两步 A step backward today will mean two steps forward in the days to come.; 退一步想 on second thought(s); 退役 retire or be released from military service; 退隐 (of an official) retire from public life; go into retirement; 退赃 give up ill-gotten gains; disgorge ill-gotten gains; surrender ill-gotten gains; 退职 resign [be discharged] from office; quit working; 退肿 detumescence; 退走 move back; retreat





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