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单词 难解难分

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❶be inextricably involved (in a dispute); be locked together (in a struggle);
❷be sentimentally attached to each other;unable to tear oneself away from; can’t bear to part
❍ 有几千年历史的庄稼人没出息的那部分精神,和他高大的肉体胶着在一块,~。(柳青《创业史》209)The failing that was a peasant characteristic for thousands of years has been welded so firmly into your big powerful frame that it’s difficult to pry it loose.
❍ 正在难分难解,王夫人、宝钗急忙赶来。(《红楼梦》1494) They were still locked together when Lady Wang and Baochai hurried over.
❍ 至次日,便柔情缱绻,软语温存,与可卿~。(《红楼梦》65)❶The next day,he and Keqing had become so attached and exchanged so many endearments that they could not bear to part.
❷Next morning he lay for a long time locked in blissful tenderness with Keqing,murmuring sweet endearments in her ear and unable to tear himself away from her.
❍ 正在那难分难解之时,只见正南上香云缭绕,彩雾飘飘,有一个女真人上前,将杨柳用手一摆,那没头的龙,悲悲啼啼径往西北而去。(《西游记》132) Just at the moment when it seemed that nothing could separate them,fragrant clouds and colourful mists appeared from the south. A Taoist priestess came forward and waved a willow twig. That headless dragon,still mourning and weeping,left at once toward the northwest.
❍ 当正面战场上厮杀得~的时候,贺人龙也派出手下的两员猛将,……(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—183) While the battle was raging in the central section,He Renlong sent two of his best lieutenants,…


be inextricably involved in a dispute;be locked together in a struggle

难解难分难分难解nán jiě nán fēn

比喻双方斗争激烈,相持不下;也比喻双方关系异常亲密,难舍难分。be locked together, be inextricably involved, well-nigh inseparable





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