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单词 anaesthesia
释义 anaesthesia (US - anesthesia) /,2eni8'6i: ns US: -'9uzs; /LNss'Sizs/ n [U] state of being unable to feel (pain, heat, cold, etc); branch of chemistry concerned with substances producing this state. (对痛,热,冷等之) 感觉缺失; 麻木; 麻醉; 麻醉法; 麻醉剂学 (化学中之一门) 。 anaesthetic (US = anes.thetic) /nis'Oetik; ?aenas'6ctik/ n [C] substance (eg ether, chloroform), technique, that produces ~: 麻醉药; 麻醉剂 (如醚, 氯仿); 麻醉术: under an anaesthetic. 在麻醉状态中。 general anaesthetic, one affecting the whole body, usu administered in hospital. 全身麻醉药 (通常在医院中施用者) 。 local anaesthetic, one administered by injection and affecting only part of the body, eg into the gums by a dentist. 局部麻醉药 (借注射使身体局部麻醉,如牙医注射入齿龈中者)。 anaesthetize (US = anesthetize) /s'nnsOstaiz; s'ne8ds-/taiz/ vt [VP6A] make insensible to pain, etc. 使麻醉; 施以麻醉剂。 anaesthetist (US = anesthetist) /s'nKsOstis/; a'ncsOatist/ n person trained to administer anaesthetics. 麻醉师; 麻醉士。




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