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单词 除旧布新

除旧布新去旧布新;除旧更新chú jiù bù xīn

do away with the old and set up the new; get rid of the old to make way for the new; replace the old with the new; ring out the old,ring in the new; take away what’s old and arrange something new; the old is eliminated and the new is brought forth
❍ 冬,有星孛于大辰,西及汉。申须曰:“彗所以~也。”(《左传·昭十七年》1424) In winter there was a comet on the west of Dachen which travelled (eastward) to the Milky way. Shen Xu said,“This broom-star serves to take away what is old and arrange something new.”/世界上总是这样以新的代替旧的,总是这样新陈代谢、~或推陈出新的。(《毛泽东选集》299) It is always so in the world,the new displacing the old,the old being superseded by the new,the old being eliminated to make way for the new,and the new emerging out of the old.

除旧布新除旧立新;立(lì)chú jiù bù xīn

布:安排、展开。除掉旧的,建立新的。get rid of the old to make way for the new, do away with the old and set up the new





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