❶ (腿用力弹起) jump; leap; skip; bounce: ~ 上马背 leap on a horse; 从椅子上 ~ 起来 bounce off [out of] one's chair; 从床上 ~ 下来 spring out of bed; 一 ~ 而起 jump [spring] to one's feet; ~ 过一条沟 leap over a ditch; 孩子们蹦蹦 ~ ~ 地进了教室。 The children bounced into the classroom.
❷ (弹力使物体突然向上移动) spring; leap: 新皮球 ~ 得高。 The new rubber ball springs high.
❸ (一起一伏地动) move up and down; beat; throb; palpitate; twitch: 脉搏 ~ 得平稳。 The pulse throbbed steadily. 他激动得心直 ~。 His heart was throbbing with excitement. 我眼皮老是 ~。 My eyelids keep twitching all the time.
❹ (越过) skip over; jump over; drop: ~ 过一两页 jump over a page or two; ~ 两针 drop two stitches
另见 see also táo。
◆跳班 (of pupils) skip a grade; 跳板 drawboard; access board; gang board; gangplank; springboard; diving board; 跳槽 job-hop; jump the trough; change one's job; tiaocao; abandon one occupation in favour of another; 跳出樊笼 get out of the cage — freed, liberated; 跳出火坑 leap from the fiery pit — as a girl who is freed from prostitution; escape the fiery pit of perdition; escape the pit of fire; 跳出圈子 jump out of the circle; shake off from the original scope [sphere]; break away from the original form [pattern]; 跳窗而逃 leap out through the window and escape; 跳挡 trip stop; trip-over stop; 跳动 move up and down; jitterbug; jitter; beat; pulsate; bounce; jumping; kick; throb; 跳读 skip; skip through; skip in reading; 跳发球 {体} jump-serving; 跳房子 hopscotch; 跳高 {体} high jump; 跳弓演奏 spiccato; 跳过 skip; jump; hop; vault; take跳焊 stitch bonding; stitch welding; skip welding; 跳行 skip; line skipping; skip a line (in reading or transcri ̄ bing); begin a new line; change to a new occupation; 跳簧 bungee; 跳火坑 fall into the living hell; 跳级 skip a grade; 跳脚 stamp one's foot; 跳叫 jump bid; 跳进黄河也洗不清 Even if (he) jumped into the Huanghe River, (he) could never wash (himself) clean.; be unable to wash oneself clean even if one jumps into the Yellow River — to find it hard to clear oneself; There's nothing you can do to remove the stigma off your name.; 跳栏 {体} hurdle race; the hurdles; 跳雷 {军} bounding mine; 跳踉 [书] jump; leap; 跳梁小丑 a clown; a buffoon who performs antics; a contemptible rebel [scoundrel]; a little rascal; a petty burglar; mischiefdoer; one of the small fry among rascals; 跳羚 springbok; 跳龙门 pass civil examination successfully; 跳楼货 {贸} distress merchandise; 跳马 {体} vaulting horse; horse-vaulting; 跳皮筋 rubber band skipping; skipping and dancing over a chain of rubber bands; 跳棋 Chinese checkers; Chinese draughts; halma; 跳起 takeoff; 跳球 jump ball; 跳伞 brolly hop; jump; parachute; bale out; {体} parachute jumping; bail; 跳上跳下 bounce [jump] up and down; 跳神(儿) sorcerer's dance in a trance; 跳绳 rope skipping; 跳数字表 {钟} jumping-figure watch; 跳水 {体} dive; 跳水运动 {体} diving; fancy diving; 跳台 diving tower; diving platform; 跳兔 pedetid; jumping hare; 跳舞 dance; shake a leg; 跳下 hop out; fall; 跳下动作 {体} dismount; 跳线 wire jumper; jumper; bridle wire; jumper wire; 跳箱 {体} box horse; vaulting box; jump over the box horse; 跳鞋 jumping shoes; 跳远 {体} long jump; broad jump; 跳越 skip; jump up over; 跳跃 jump; skip; hop; leap; bound; saltatory; dancing; saltation; 跳跃式节奏 jerky rhythm; 跳蚤 {无脊椎} flea; 跳闸 trip; tripping operation; 跳针 bouncing pilotage; skipping stitch; plunger pin; bouncing pin; 跳字 rising space; {刷} rising type