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单词 need
释义 need1 /ni: d; nid/ anom fin (no inf, no participles, 3rd p sing present tense is need, not needs; used in interr and neg followed by inf without to; need not contracted to needn't) /'ni: dnt; 'nidnt/ (无不定词, 无分词,第三人称单数现在式是 need 而非 needs; 用于疑问句及否定句中后接没有 to 的不定词; need not 缩写为 needn't) [VP5] 1 be obliged; be necessary: 必要; 必须: N~ you go yet? No, I ~ Yes, / must. 你一定要去吗?不,我不必去。是的,我必须去。 You ~ n't go yet, ~ you? 你不一定要去,是吗? I ~ hardly tell you (= You must already know or guess) that.... 不用我说你也知道…。 2 (followed by a perfect infinitive, ~ indicates that although sth may have occurred or been done in the past, it was or may have been unnecessary): (后帐完成式不定词,表示虽然某事可能在过去曾经发生或已做了,但此并不需要): N~ it have happened? 难道当时没法会免吗? We ~n7 have hurried, We hurried but now we see that this was unnecessary. 我们当时实在不必那么匆忙。 Cf 参较 We didn't ~ to hurry, We didn't hurry because it was unnecessary. 我们当时无须匆忙(我们当时并没匆忙)。 → need1 (2). ~ful /-fl; -fal/ adj ~ed; necessary: 需要的; 必须的: do what is ~ ful. 做所必须做的事。 do the ~ ful, (colloq) provide the money, perform the action, that is required. (俗)供所需的钱; 采取必要的行动。 ~.fully /-fab; -f?h/ adv ~less adj not ~ed; unnecessary: 不需要点; 不必要的: ~less work/trouble. 不必要的工作(麻烦)。 N~less to say, he kept his promise. 不用说,他信守了他的诺言。 ~Tessdy adv




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