单词 | neck |
释义 | neck /nek; nek/ n 1 part of the body that connects the head and the shoulders: 颈; 脖子: wrap a scarf round one's ~. 在颈上围一条 KM, → the illus at head. 参看 head 之备图。 break one's ~, work extremely hard to achieve sth. 拚命地干以完成某事。玲 breakneck, breathe down sb's (colloq) be close behind, almost touching, eg in a race; be watching closely. (俗) 紧跟在某人后头 (至几乎能触及的程度,如在赛跑中); 紧迫地盯住某人。 get it in the ~, (sl) suffer a severe or a fatal blow; have a painful experience. (俚) 遭受严重的或致命的打击:有痛苦的经验。 have the ~ (more usu 较常用 nerve) to do sth, (sl) be impudent, cheeky enough to do it. (a) 厚着脸皮做某事。 save one's ~, escape hanging; (fig) escape the results of being foolish, etc. 免受绞刑; (喻) 免于遭受由愚昧等所造成的结果。 stick one's , ~ out, (sl) do or say sth that may bring severe criticism, or result in a painful experience. (俚) 做出 (说出) 翕使自己受到严厉批评或遭受痛苦的事 (话); 自找麻烦。 win/ lose by a ~, (horse-racing) by the length of a horse,s~; (fig) by a narrow margin. (赛马) 以一颈之差获胜 (失败); (喻) 险胜 (小败) 。 and crop, headlong; altogether; bag and baggage: 匆促址; 全部地; 完全; 带着全部东西: throw him out ~ and crop. 要他带着全部东西滚蛋。 ~ and ~, (of horseracing, and fig) side by side, with no advantage over the other in a race or struggle. (指赛马,亦作比喻用法) 并驾齐驱; 不分上下。 ~ or nothing, taking desperate risks; venturing everything. 冒一切危险; 拼命。 2 flesh of an animal's ~ as used for food, esp ~ of mutton. 作食物用的动物的颈肉; (尤指) 羊颈肉。 3 sth like a ~ in shape or position: 形状或部位像颈之物; 颈状物; 颈部: the ~ of a bottle; 瓶颈; a narrow ~ of land, eg an isthmus. 狭窄的地亩 (如地峡) 。 4 (compounds) (复合字) '~-band n part of a shirt, etc thaft goes round the ~. (衬衣等的) 领圈 (装领的部分) 。 '~-cloth n cravat. 旧式领带。 ~er chief /'nekatjif; 'nekwtfif/ n (old use) cloth or scarf worn round the ~. (旧用法) 围巾; 领巾。 '~-lace /-lis; -lis/ n string of beads, pearls, etc worn round the ~ as an ornament. 项麻。 let /-lit; -lit/ n ornament (eg of beads) for the ~. 颈饰; 项珠; 小项链。' ~ line n (of fashions for women's clothes) line of a garment st or near the (指女装的款式) 领口; 开领: This year the ~ line is up and the hemline is down. 今年流行的女装款式领口高下褫低。 '~tie n (now usu 今通常称 tie) band of material worn round the ~ and knotted in front. 领带。 '~-wear /-wea (r); -zwer/ n [U] (term used by shopkeepers for) collars and ties. (商人所用的名词) 领子和领带。 vi (sl) (of couples) exchange kisses, caresses and hugs: (俚) (指一对男女) 互相亲吻、抚爱、拥抱: sitting on park benches petting and ~ing in the dark. 坐在公园长桡上在黑暗中互相亲吻、抚爱、拥抱。 |
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