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单词 nature
释义 nature /'neitjo (r) ; n 1 [U] the whole universe and every created thing: 自然; 自然界; 宇宙万物: Is ~ at its best in spring? 自然界在春天最美好吗 ?' ~ study, the study of animals, plants, insects, etc. 动植物、昆虫等的研究; 自然研究。 '~ worship, the worship of trees, oceans, the winds, etc. 自然崇拜 (对树、海洋、风等之自然崇拜) 。 2 [U] force(s) controlling the phenomena of the physical world: 自然力; 控制物质世界现象的力量: Man is engaged in a constant struggle with ~. 人类不断地与大自然竞争。 Miracles are contrary to ~. 奇迹是与自然力相反的。 '~ cure, form of therapy relying upon natural remedies (sunlight, diet, exercise). 自然疗法 (靠天然治疗物如日光、食物、运动的一种疗法) 。 pay the debt of ~; pay one's debt to ~, die. 充亡。 in the course of ~, according to the ordinary course of things. 根据事物的常理。 3 [U] simple life without civilization; outdoor, animallike existence: 自然的生活; 无文明的简单生活; 户外的似兽类的生活: Some 18th-century writers were in favour of a return to ~, to the simple and primitive life that people were thought to have led before mankind became civilized, 有些十八世纪作家赞成回返自然的生活 (文明前的原始生活) 。 be in a state of ~, be completely naked (as in a nudist camp). 全裸着 (如天体营中者) 。 4 [C, U] qualities and characteristics, physical, mental and spiritual, which belong to a person or thing: 主性; 天性; 性质: is the ~ of a dog to bark. 吠是狗的天性。 Cats and dogs have quite different ~s. 猫和狗有相当不同的天性。 That man is proud by 那个人天生骄傲。 Chemists study the ~ of gases. 化学家研究气体的性质。 ‘human ,~,the qualities possessed by man (in contrast with animals). 人 @ ( 与兽性相对) 。 good ~, unselfishness; willingness and readiness to help; kind-heartedness. 善良的本性 (无私、乐于助人、仁慈等) 。 Hence, 由此产生, ,goo6-/,ill-~ed, having a good/ill 本性善良 (邪恶) 的。 5 qualities of non-material things (eg art, knowledge, language). 不具体之物 (例如艺术、知识、语言) 的性质。 6 sort; kind: 种类: Things of this ~ do not interest me. 这类事物不会使我感兴趣。 His request was in the ~ of a command, could not be ignored. 他的要求就是一种命令。




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