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单词 阴谋诡计

阴谋诡计yīn móu guǐ jì

conspiracies and intrigues; schemes and machinations (/plots/manoeuvres); dirty tricks
❍ 讲和是讲和,莫不又是他的什么~罗?(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—183) Therefore,whatever may come of the peace proposal there is little doubt that Yuan Shikai is playing some dirty trick again!/他在党内好播弄是非,好在同志的背后说人家的坏话,进行一些~来挑拨同志间的关系。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》51) They love to stir up trouble in the Party,speak ill of others behind their backs and engage in intrigues in order to sow dissension between comrades.
❍ 党处于敌人和同盟者的~的包围中,但是没有警觉性。(《毛泽东选集》574) The Party was caught in a maze of schemes and intrigues both of enemies and of allies,but it lacked vigilance.

阴谋诡计yīn móu ɡuǐ jì

阴谋:指暗中干坏事的计谋;诡计:指阴险狡诈的计策。形容背地里策划做坏事。schemes and intrigues, conspiracies and intrigues, conspiracies and plots, dishonest scheme





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