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单词 natural
释义 natural /'naetfral; 'naetfaral/ adj 1 of, concerned with, produced, by nature: 自然的; 有关自然的; 天然产生的: animals living in their ~ state, wild, not domesticated; 生活于自然环境中的动物; a country's ~ resources, its minerals, forests, etc; 一国之天然资源; land in its ~ state, not used for industry, farming, etc. 未用于工业或未加耕种的土地。 ' ~, forces/phe'nomena, the forces of nature, such as storms, thunder and lightning. 自然力量 (现象) (如暴风雨、雷电等) 。 i ~ 'gas, gas occurring with petroleum deposits, eg North Sea gas. 天然气 (蕴藏于石油层中,如北海天然气) 。 ~ 'history, botany and zoology; (formerly) scientific study of all nature. 动植物学; (昔时) 博物学 (研究自然界万物的科学几 , ~ 'law, rules for behaviour considered as innate and universal. 自然法则; 被认为是天生且普遍化的行为准则; 天理。 i ~ phi'losophy. (name formerly used for) the science of physics, or physics and dynamics. (S-LW 物理学; 物理学与力学。 ~ re'ligion, religion and ethics based on reason (contrasted with religion from divine revelation). 自然宗敎 (基于理性的宗敎及伦理,与出自神启的宗敎相对) 。,~ se'lection, evolutionary theory that animals and plants survive or become extinct in accordance with their ability to adapt themselves to their environment. 天挥; 自然淘汰 (动植物的生存或绝种系视其对环境的适应力而定的进化论) 。 2 of, in agreement with, the nature (4) of a living thing: 本性的; 天性的: ~ gifts/abilities. 天赋。 3 (of persons) possessing qualities by nature (4); born with qualities or powers: (指人) 天生赋有某些性质的; 生而具有某些性质或能力的: He's a ~ orator, makes speeches easily. 他是天生的演说家。 She's a ~ linguist, learns languages easily. 她是个天生的语言学家 (善于学习语言) 。 It comes ~ to her. 那事对于她不学自会。 → come (10). 4 ordinary; normal; to be expected: 普通的; 正常的; 预期的: die a ~ death, noas the result of an accident, violence, etc. 自然死亡 (并非意外或横死); 寿终正寝。 It is ~ for a bird to fly. 鸟会飞是自然的。 He was sentenced to prison for the term of his ~ life, ie until he died. 他被卢无期徒刑 (终身监禁) 。 5 simple; not cultivated or self-conscious: 自然的; 不造作的; ~ behaviour; 自然的行为 (非故意的); speak in a ~ voice, not affected. 用自然 (不造作) 的声调说话。 It was a - piece of acting, with no exaggeration. 那是自然的演出 (毫无夸张的) 。 6 (music) neither sharp nor flat: (音乐) 本位音的; 自然的: B~ (cf 参较 B sharp, B flat). 本位 B 调。 → the illus at notation. 参看 notation 芝插图。 7 (of a son or daughter) illegitimate: (指子女) 不合法的; 私生的。 1 (music) ~ note; musical note that is not a sharp or a flat; the sign (.) placed before a note (in printed music) to make it a ~. (音乐) 本位音; 本位音符; 键盘上之白键; (乐谱上之) 本位记号 (日) 。 2 person born without ordinary intelligence; person feeble-minded from birth. 値能之人; 白痴。 3 (col-loq) (俗) a ~ for sth, person naturally fitted or qualified: 天生适合 (作某事) 的人: He's a ~ for the job/the part. 他是天生适合做那件工作 (担任那个职位) 的人%




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