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单词 否极泰来

否极泰来pǐ jí tài lái

after extremely bad luck,comes good luck; after rain comes fair weather; good fortune springs from misery; out of the depth of misfortune comes bliss; the darkest hour is just before dawn; the extreme of adversity is the beginning of prosperity; the good emerges when the evil has reached its extreme; things at the worst will mend
❍ 乐极生悲,~。(《水浒全传》319) Ecstasy begets tragedy,from misery good fortune springs.
❍ 足见天心厌乱,国运即将~。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—691) Surely this means that Heaven is weary of these wars and that the fortunes of state will now improve./“~”,荣辱自古周而复始,岂人力所能常保的; …… (《红楼梦》145) ❶“Fortune follows calamity as disgrace follows honour.”This has been so from time immemorial.How can men prevent it?”
❷“The extreme of adversity is the beginning of prosperity”—and the reverse of that saying is also true.Honour and disgrace follow each other in an unending cycle. No human power can arrest that cycle and hold it permanently in one position.

否极泰来pi ji tai lai

the extreme of adversity is the beginning of prosperity


extreme adversity marks the beginning of fortune; out of the depth of misfortune comes bliss
乐极生悲,~。Extreme joy begets sorrow,while calamity engenders good fortune.

否极泰来pǐ jí tài lái

否、泰:《周易》中的两个卦名。“否”指天地不交,比喻失利;“泰”指天地相交,比喻顺利。该成语意思是说事物的发展到了极点,就要转化为它的对立面。out of the depth of misfortune comes bliss, Things at the worst will mend. After a storm comes a calm.





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